Currently Offered Promotions


Checkbook – Single Credit Option


Checkbook 2006 Monthly Option Promotion


Checkbook Promotion 2004


Conferencing – Head Start Promotion


Conferencing Flat Rate Promotion – Offer VIII.I for BSG


Conferencing Minute Plan Promotion – Offer VIII.I for BSG


Contract Renewal Promotion


Data Center Colocation Access Promotion (DCCA Promotion)


DS1 US Private Line Credit Promotion - v2.0 (1-Year Term)


DS1 US Private Line Credit Promotion – v2.0 (2-Year Term)


DS1 US Private Line Credit Promotion – v2.0 (3-5 Year Term)


Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Metro Hot Spot Promotion – v2.0


Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Metro Hot Spot Promotion – v3.0


Flat Rate T1 Access Promotion (Existing Customers)


Flat Rate T3 Access Promotion (Existing Customers)

Flat Rate T1 Access Promotion (New/Renewing Customers)


Flat Rate T3 Access Promotion (New/Renewing Customers)


Flex T1 Promotion (Enhanced Package)


Flex T1 Promotion (Entry Package)


General Installation Waiver Promotion (v.3.0)


InterLATA Long Distance PIC Fee Credit Promotion


LD Voice  – Inbound Stimulus Promotion


LD Voice – IntraLATA PIC Fee Credit Promotion


LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless Promotion (v2.0)


MICTA LD Voice – IntraLATA PIC Fee Credit Promotion


New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Invoice Credit (1 Year Minimum Term Agreement)


New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Invoice Credit (2 Year Minimum Term Agreement)


New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Invoice Credit (3 Year Minimum Term Agreement)


On the Network V Cross Connect Promotion


On the Network V Lit Building Access Promotion


Regional Checkbook 2006 Monthly Option Promotion


Regional Checkbook Promotion 2004


Verizon Business OnNet Acquisition Gift Card Promotion


Verizon Business Services 90 Day Satisfaction Guarantee


Verizon Business Services Billing Guarantee


Verizon Business Services Install Guarantee