Here are the most recent changes to our Privacy Policy.

We review and update our Privacy Policy to reflect the changes that come with the development of new products, services, technologies and uses of information. In addition, we occasionally make organizational, stylistic and grammatical changes to make our policy easier to read. Below you’ll find an overview of the changes that have been made in the past six months.

June, 2024

We updated the state privacy law rights section to add information about new privacy laws in Oregon and Texas.  We also made changes to provide additional details about the information we collect when you open Verizon emails or click on Verizon ads, and the information we may collect during mobile device setup. We also added information about the transfer of wireless connectivity to in-building networks.

March 2024

We updated the state privacy law rights section of the policy to add information about our new Health Privacy Notice. We also made changes to clarify and provide additional details about our information practices when you call or chat with Verizon representatives. 

December, 2023

We updated the state privacy law rights section of the policy to add information about the Utah privacy law and we consolidate descriptions of similar state laws to make the section easier to navigate and use. We also added information about our use of automation.