XO IP Flex Services

What is IP Flex?

IP Flex gives you a simple bundle of business communications services that includes local and long distance voice, Internet, and a variety of popular calling features.

Why IP Flex?

Companies with one or more locations can simplify voice and data services using the award-winning VoIP over IP bundle from XO for a low, flat monthly rate.

Learn how IP Flex can support your business

Multi-location businesses, like retail and restaurant chains and financial services companies, can benefit significantly by using a single, nationwide provider to connect all locations with award-winning IP Flex service from XO.


Simplify the management of company-wide voice and data communications. With IP Flex, you gain:

  • A lower cost of ownership

    Extend the life of your existing phone systems

  • Extensive availability nationwide

    XO offers business-class VoIP in more markets than most other service providers

  • A solution that scales to your needs

    Bandwidth options ranging from 1.5 Mbps to 100 Mbps

  • Reduce voice costs

    Unlimited, free local and site-to-site calling among IP Flex locations

  • Easy administration

    Configure and make changes to your voice features through a secure web-based portal


Take advantage of all that XO IP Flex has to offer your company: quality, productivity, flexibility, value, and convenience

  • Standard Voice Features

  • Highlights

  • Voice and Data over a single IP circuit

    • Separate from the public Internet
    • Voice traffic is prioritized for maximum call quality
    • Internet speeds a re optimized when voice lines are unused
  • Unlimited calls

    • Unlimited local calling
    • Unlimited free site-to-site calling
  • One toll free number and a variety of calling plans

    • Make it easier for customers to get in touch
  • Robust voice call features

    • 3-way calling
    • Call hold, pick up, forwarding and transfer
    • Caller ID name, number or line block
    • Call return
    • Call waiting
    • Last number redial
    • Voicemail to Email
    • Do Not Disturb
  • Call Management features

    • Inbound call routing
    • Hunt groups (sequential, circular, uniform, simultaneous)
    • Direct inward dialing extensions (DIDs)
    • Direct outward dialing (DOD) and 2-way DID trunks
  • Dedicated Internet Access

    • Reliable, high-speed connectivity
    • Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation