Change Management

Find advance information about CLEC impacting changes and notifications of interest to all resale and facility based providers.

System Release Dates

Find the current system release dates for Verizon notification milestones.

Distribution Lists

Subscribe or unsubscribe your Email Id from the OSS Interface Change Management distribution list.

Documents issued in prior years can be requested by sending an email to 

Group of pedestrians crossing city street

Meeting Schedule

Change Control meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings start at 2:00 PM Eastern Time.
  • March 12, 2024
  • June 11, 2024
  • September 10, 2024
  • December 10, 2024

For additional details, contact the Verizon CMP Team:

If you have an issue to discuss, please contact thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled meeting date and a meeting invite and agenda will be issued to the group. Documents will be provided one week prior to the meeting.

If there are no upcoming releases to discuss on the upcoming Change Control call, and unless someone has an issue to raise, the call will be canceled.

Archived Data

The following meetings were canceled. There were no pending releases, and no issues identified prior to the meeting date(s).

  • Jun 11, 2024
  • Mar 12, 2024

The following meetings were canceled. There were no pending releases, and no issues identified prior to the meeting date(s).

  • Dec 12, 2023
  • Sep 12, 2023
  • Jun 13, 2023
  • Mar 14, 2023

The following meetings were canceled. There were no pending releases, and no issues identified prior to the meeting date(s).

  • Dec 13, 2022
  • Sep 13, 2022
  • Jun 14, 2022
  • Mar 8, 2022