IP VPN Advantage Promotion IV


Offer:  During the Customer’s term of service:


waiver of the Start-up Fee for Internet Dial Corporate installed in association with Single CPE Dedicated Access VPN Burstable T1 Service, VPN Tiered T1 Service (excluding service at 384 kbps), VPN Price Protected T1 Service, VPN Burstable T3 Service and VPN Price Protected T3 Service IP VPN Dedicated Services installed following promotion enrollment; and,


the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for Single CPE Dedicated Access VPN Burstable T1 Service, VPN Tiered T1 Service, VPN Price Protected T1 Service, VPN Burstable T3 Service and VPN Price Protected T3 Service IP VPN Dedicated Services installed following promotion enrollment:


               Term of Service                  

Annual Volume Commitment           1                     2                 3 or more     


$6,000                                             15%                 16%                 20%

$12,000                                           15                    17                    21

$24,000                                           15                    20                    24

$36,000                                           15                    21                    27

$48,000                                           15                    22                    29

$60,000                                           15                    23                    31

$84,000                                           15                    24                    33

$120,000                                         19                    27                    35

$180,000                                         21                    28                    35

$300,000                                         23                    29                    35

$600,000                                         27                    31                    35

$900,000 - $2,400,000                    35                    35                    35


Eligibility Requirements:  A Customer must:


            enroll between October 1, 2003 and March 31, 2005;


receive service under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and


place a request for installation of all service which receives the benefits of this promotion no later than April 30, 2005.


Other Conditions:


The Customer may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering or discounts on the service which receives the benefits, except under Special Customer Arrangements (SCA) Guide Types 2 through 9, Product Packages Guide Types 18, 19, 20 and 21, MCI Loyalty Plus Promotion I, MCI Loyalty Plus Promotion II, MCI Loyalty Plus Promotion III and any promotional offering providing benefits on access.