Ethernet Access

Section IV.3.6 – Type 3 Monthly Recurring and Non-Recurring charges quoted from July 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009


The following monthly recurring and non-recurring charges apply to service provided between the Customer-designated location and the MCI Legacy Company IXC Point of Presence location and specifically to circuits which are quoted from July 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.


For purposes of this Section, Pricing Zones for Ethernet Access connections are defined in the Pricing Zone List July 1, 2009 based on Type 3 Service Area and Exchange Center.


Ethernet Access Type 3 monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges are set forth in the following rate tables, based on Type 3 Service Area, Pricing Zone, circuit speed, and term commitment in Customer’s master service agreement (the “Commitment Period”).  For circuits quoted from November 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 the Non-Recurring Charges specified in the following tables of this section IV.3.6 will be waived.


Monthly Recurring and Non-Recurring Per-Circuit Rate Tables:


3.6.1    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 1


3.6.2    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 2


3.6.3    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 3


3.6.4    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 4


3.6.5    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 5


3.6.6    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 6


3.6.7    Ethernet Access Type 3 Service Charges - Service Area 7