Combination of Promotions


Beginning through March 31, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  Customers qualifying for more than one of the promotional discounts specified in Sections VI.3, VI.4 and/or VI.5 may obtain a wholly additive application of such discounts up to the greater of (i) 10%, or (ii) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in question is ten percent (10%), a three (3%) discount under Section V.3 plus a five percent (5%) discount under Section V.4, plus a four percent (4%) discount under Section V.5 (assuming a maximum of ten percent (10%)) plus ten percent (10%) from the relevant discount schedule would equal twenty percent (20%).


Combined Services Promotion


From time to time through March 31, 2003, Company will provide an offering for Customers who order WorldCom and/or WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service subject to a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year whereby the monthly charges of the WorldCom or WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service may be aggregated with monthly charges for other Company-provided services, excluding Message Telecommunications Service, for the purpose of determining the Customer's relevant discount and/or Minimum Monthly Commitment.  This Combined Services Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Commitment to Higher Volume Level Promotion


Beginning through March 31, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  Customers committing to obtain WorldCom Frame Relay Service subject to at least a $10,000 or five percent (5%) increase (whichever is greater) or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in an aggregate amount for all WorldMark1 Services of $15,000 or five percent (5%) increase (whichever is greater) in Customer's then current volume of Base Rate charges (over a specified period of not less than twelve (12) months) with notice of eligibility thereof to Company will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least one percent (1%) and up to five percent (5%) with respect to WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service ordered within the ensuing period (including the specified period of commitment), in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV or V.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the Service in question is Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, the type of Service, the increase in Aggregate Base Rate Charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period and Requested Service Date(s).  The relevant discount shall be wholly additive, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the Frame Relay in question is ten percent (10%), a three percent (3%) discount under this Commitment to Higher Volume Level Promotion plus ten percent (10%) would equal thirteen percent (13%).  Company shall condition its application of this promotion upon Customer's provision to Company of satisfactory documentation regarding Customer's level of commitment and corresponding level of credit standing.


General Frame Relay Promotions


From time to time through March 31, 2003, Company will provide one or a combination of the following offerings for customers who order WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Services subject to a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year: (a) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service (other than Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service) a credit up to one month's Base Rate charges (net of all applicable discounts) relevant to the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in question per year of the Service Commitment Period; (b) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, a waiver of Installation charges for the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service; (c) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, a waiver of the Installation charges for Local Access associated with WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service; and/or (d) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, a waiver of certain Ancillary Charges.  This General Frame Relay Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Initial Order Promotion


Beginning through March 31, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  New Customers (i.e., Customers that have not subscribed to Company WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Services under this Tariff for a period of at least one year or Customers desiring subscription to WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service which had not previously been available under this Tariff) that provide Company with notice of eligibility will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least one percent (1%) and up to five percent (5%) with respect to WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service then ordered, and subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV and Section V.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in question is Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, the type of Service, Aggregate Base Rate Charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period and Requested Service Date(s).  The relevant discount shall be wholly additive, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in question is ten percent (10%), a three percent (3%) discount under this Initial Order Promotion plus ten percent (10%) would equal thirteen (13%).  Customer's eligibility for this promotion will be conditioned upon Customer's timely providing Company satisfactory documentation regarding Customer's credit standing.


Revenue Plan Promotion


From time to time through March 31, 2003, Company may offer new or existing Revenue Plan Customers modified  cancellation liability with respect to Network Nodes comprising Qualifying WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service.  This modified cancellation liability may reduce the six (6) times multiplier set forth in Section IV.3.05.B and V.3.05.B down to three (3) times.  This Revenue Plan Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state


Service Longevity Promotion


Beginning through March 31, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service subject to a multi-year Service Commitment Period, which is extended for one (1) year by Service Order delivered to Company at least thirty (30) days, but no more than ninety (90) days prior to expiration of the initial Service Commitment Period or subsequent extensions, under the Service Longevity Promotion will retain the term discount applicable to the initial Service Commitment Period.


Service Potentiality Promotion


Beginning through March 31, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  Customers obtaining frame relay services from other carriers that provide Company with notice of eligibility will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least one percent (1%) and up to five percent (5%) with respect to WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service then ordered, and subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV or V.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in question is Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, the type of Service, aggregate Base Rate charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period, Requested Service Date(s) and volume of similar services then obtained by Customer from other carriers.  The relevant discount shall be wholly additive, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service in question is ten percent (10%), a three percent (3%) discount under this Potentiality Promotion plus ten percent (10%) would equal thirteen (13%).  Customer's eligibility for this promotion will be conditioned upon Customer's timely providing Company satisfactory documentation regarding the level of other WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service then obtained by Customer from other carriers and Customer's credit standing.


Telecommunications Related Services Promotion


From time to time through March 31, 2003, Company will pay on behalf of Customer obtaining WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period a one time charge, not to exceed one month's WorldCom or WorldMark1 Frame Relay Service, to selected third parties who provide certain telecommunications related services.  Telecommunications related services may include equipment, software, training or other services. In the event Customer cancels WorldCom or WorldMark[...] Frame Relay Service prior to the expiration of the Service Commitment Period, Customer may be liable for all charges paid to the third party by Company on behalf of the Customer.  This Telecommunications Related Services Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Euro 2000 Promotion


Beginning December 24, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of WorldCom Frame Relay Service.


To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new WorldCom Frame Relay Service under a new WorldCom Frame Relay Network Pricing (HPP) with a term of service which equals or exceeds two years (New Service).


To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must make all requests for installation of New Service on before July 1, 2000.


Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 15 percent discount on monthly recurring PVC charges for New Service which terminates in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.


Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering.