Test Drive Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 58 Promotion


Through December 31, 2002, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 58.  To be eligible for service under this promotion, the customer must demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction the customer's ability to satisfy all terms and conditions set forth under SCA Type 58. 


Customers enrolled in this promotion may receive service under SCA Type 58 for a 12-month trial period beginning upon the customer's enrollment in SCA Type 58.  During the customer's 12-month trial period, underutilization charges, early termination charges and the minimum volume requirement set forth under SCA Type 58 will not apply.


This promotion may be extended for up to 6 months for customers who have entered into good-faith negotiations (within 3 months of the expiration of the trial period) to acquire Company service pursuant to a term and volume commitment.


If the customer wishes to discontinue service under SCA Type 58 during or at the expiration of any trial period, the customer must provide the Company with at least 30 days prior written notice of such intent; otherwise, all the terms and conditions set forth in SCA Type 58, including underutilization charges, early termination charges and the minimum volume requirement, will apply.