Archive: Exit Archive

Long Distance Voice Services

Section IV.6


Other Charges


1.         Other Non-Recurring Charges.  The following non-recurring charges will apply:


                                                                      Per-Circuit or

                                                                       T-1 Channel            Per-Order         Per-Location1


Installation                                                                     2                        $50                        $25

Service Conversion                           0                          50                        N/A


A $15 charge will apply to each change of the ANI associated with termination of a toll free number under Feature Option 1.


1           These charges will not apply for customers who enroll in Option 3A.

2           The per-circuit and T-1 channel installation charges will be based on the type of Local Access used.


2.         The Payphone Use Charge applies.


3.         Administrative Non-Recurring Charges apply.


4.         FUSF, CCRC, Administrative Expense Fee and CAC apply.  Except that in each monthly period in which an ANI is presubscribed to both Voice Services and non-resold exchange service provided by an affiliate of the Company, the CAC will not apply to that ANI.


5.         Paper Invoice Charge applies.


6.         Property Tax Recovery Charge applies.


7.         Convenience Payment Charge applies.