Archive: Exit Archive


Professional Services *


Professional Services*, Service Attachment, click here

      Digital Advisory Services (SOWs, Forms and Service Descriptions), click here

      Internet of Things Fast Track (SOWs), click here

      Rapid Response Retainer (SOWs, Forms and Service Descriptions), click here

      Verizon Threat Intelligence Platform Service (SOW, Forms and Service Descriptions), click here

      Wi-Fi 6 RF Survey & Design (SOW), click here

      Business Transformation Workshop (SOW), click here

      Remote Working Security Assessment (SOW), click here

       Dark Web Hunting (SOW), click here

       End-User Experience Assessment (SOW, click here



* For U.S. Customers Only - To view any pending changes or changes that have recently taken place for this service, please see What’s New.  U.S. Services means Services provided under a Contract incorporated in the U.S.