Archive: Exit Archive

LD Voice Inbound Attack Promotion v. 2.0



Subject to the Conditions set forth below, existing customers renewing or amending contracts for Toll Free Inbound Service (Dedicated or Local termination), will receive the following per-minute usage rate for Domestic Toll Free Inbound Service based on the Agreement’s AVC and Term commitment (such service and rates hereinafter referred to in the aggregate as the ”Promotional Service”).  The per-minute usage rate will be in effect for the remaining Term of the Agreement:




Term Rates

2 Year

3 Year

*Net Effective RPM

*Net Effective RPM




$300 - $119,000



$120,000 - $299,000



$300,000 - $599,000











1.     By July 31, 2019, customer must sign and submit a renewal or amendment to existing agreement.

2.   Customer’s renewal or amended Agreement must include a minimum 2-year Term.

3.   Customer understands and agrees that the promotional rates set forth herein are in lieu of all other discounts.

4.   This promotion may not be combined with the following promotions:  The original LD Voice Inbound Attack Promotion, LD Voice, Inbound Stimulus Promotion, LD Voice – Outbound Stimulus Promotion, VoIP - Inbound Stimulus Promotion v2.0 or VoIP - Inbound Stimulus Promotion, Regional Checkbook – Monthly Option v2.0, Regional Checkbook – Monthly Option, RVP Checkbook – Monthly Option and RVP Checkbook – Monthly Option v2.0.


