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Rapid Response Retainer Professional Service Description

Menu-Based Computer Incident Response Training


1.      Scope of Work.

1.1. Menu-based Computer Incident Response Training.  Verizon will provide computer incident response training (the “IR Training”) to train Customer’s employees, specifically the Customer’s first responders and/or members of Customer’s incident response (“IR”) team (the “Attendees”). IR Training provides training on industry practices and standards for responding to and investigating cyber security incidents such as data security breaches.  The IR Training will leverage real-world threat and risk scenarios derived from Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report and Verizon security professionals’ experience.  Customer and Verizon will mutually develop a course agenda to meet Customer’s IR Training requirements from the list of modules below (the “Menu”):

·        Current state of security, generally;

·        Incident response process;

·        Evidence handling;

·        Volatile data collection and analysis techniques;

·        Forensic imaging techniques;

·        Memory analysis;

·        Basic forensic analysis techniques – systems analysis;

·        Basic malware analysis techniques;

·        Mock incident table-top exercise;

·        Information technology concepts for legal practitioners;

·        Discovery response fundamentals;

·        Bridging the gap between IT and legal; and

·        E-discovery tools scoping and system proof of concept testing.


1.2. Verizon will provide from the following, as further defined in the Engagement Letter:

1.2.1.      Up to two (2) instructors per course;

1.2.2.      The number of Hours consumed by the IR Training; and

1.2.3.      The number of day(s) and hours per training day for each course.


1.3. Training Plan and Kick-off.  Verizon will designate an engagement manager (“EM”) who will act a point of contact for Customer for the term of the Customer’s use of IR Training. The EM will work with Customer personnel to develop a training plan (“Training Plan”) which will specify resources, dates, times, and location for the course. Verizon and Customer will mutually agree to the Training Plan prior to proceeding with the IR Training.


1.4. Training Materials.  Verizon will provide Customer with a PDF version of the Power Point presented in the IR Training.


1.5. Verizon will work with Customer to schedule a scoping conference call to initiate the Project. During or before the scoping call, Customer will provide a list of appropriate contact personnel with “after hours” emergency contact numbers, and appropriate on-site authorization documentation (where applicable).


2.      Deliverables and Documentation to be produced by Verizon (if any). Any Deliverables provided by Verizon are intended for Customer and Verizon use only. Customer may disclose a Deliverable to a third party pursuant to the confidentiality terms of the Agreement.

Verizon will provide:

2.1. Training Plan; and

2.2. Training Materials.


3.      Documentation to be produced by Customer and Customer Obligations (if any). Delivery of the Professional Services by Verizon is dependent on Customer’s performance of the following:

3.1. Customer will appoint a single point of contact for co-ordination of the Project activities for interaction with Verizon and ensuring smooth data flow and exchange of information required for execution of the Project within the agreed time-frame;

3.2. Each Customer Attendee will bring a laptop to the course, or will use a computer provided by Customer in Customer’s training facility; and

3.3. As requested by Verizon, Customer will download freeware from the internet to Attendees’ computers prior to the start of the course.

4.      Assumptions (if any). Delivery of the Professional Services by Verizon is predicated on the following assumptions and conditions:

4.1. The Professional Services are based on Verizon’s understanding of Customer’s requirements. Should the scope of the Project change, the Project Manager will continue to work only after mutual execution of an amended Engagement Letter;

4.2. Customer retains responsibility for the implementation of any changes to applications or devices managed by Customer or associated service providers under  the Engagement Letter;

4.3. Each course will have a maximum of 20 Attendees; and

4.4. Each course will require an Engagement Letter.