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Audio Conferencing

Section II


II.         FEATURES AND OPTIONS: Unless otherwise specified, the following chargeable features are available only with Conference Calling.


1.         Premier, Standard and Unattended Features:  Unless otherwise specified, the following chargeable features are available only with Audio Conferencing and with Premier, Standard and Unattended Service Levels.


1.1       Platinum Premier Service (available for Premier Service Level only)


1.1.1   Description:  The Platinum Premier Service provides all the required conferencing operator functionality contained within the Premier Service offering with the addition of a dedicated U.S. based conferencing specialist being assigned to moderate the entire conferencing event.


1.1.2   Charges:  The following non-recurring per-call charges apply to the Platinum Premier Service:




Setup Fee


1-30 Minutes


Additional 15 Minute Intervals




1.2       Audio Streaming and Replay


1.2.1    Description:  Audio Streaming provides 60 minutes of live streaming capability, which provides "one to many" communications to computers that are connected to the Internet.  Audio Streaming includes:


·        both Windows Media Player and Real Player streaming media players;

·        8.5 kbps stream rate; and

·        post event reporting, including names, titles, company and e-mail addresses of participants.


Audio Streaming Replay provides replay of a recorded Audio Streaming Conferencing Calling call up to 4 hours in duration and up to 1000 participants per call and is available for up to 30 days following the date of the Conferencing Call.


1.2.2    Charges:  The following non-recurring per-call charges apply for Audio Streaming, based on the number of participants on the Internet per call:


Number of Participants

Per-Call Charge

1 – 4

$    775

5 – 10


11 – 25


26 – 50


51 – 250


251 – 500


501 – 1000



In addition to the per-call charges above, the following charges will apply: ,


Audio Streaming Replay - a $700 charge applies per an Audio Streaming Conferencing Call designated by Customer for Audio Streaming Replay service.


Audio Streaming Overage - a $400 charge applies, per additional 30 minute intervals, and after the initial 60 minutes, per an Audio Streaming Conferencing Call.


1.3       Billing Report 


1.3.1    Description:  Billing Reports provides Audio Conferencing and Net Conferencing invoice detail reports to a Customer-designated address.  Customer may request a Billing Report on either a one-time or a monthly recurring basis.  Standard Reporting provides invoice detail sorted by Customer Reference Codes and leader last name.  Global Reporting provides invoice detail sorted by Customer Reference Codes and leader last name and consolidates invoices from one or more regions into one Billing Report.


1.3.2    Charges


A.        Standard Reporting:  A $150 charge applies per Standard Reporting Billing Report provided on a one-time basis.  A $100 monthly recurring charge applies per Standard Reporting Billing Report provided on a monthly recurring basis.


B.        Global Reporting:  A $350 charge applies per Global Reporting Billing Report provided on a one-time basis.  A $100 monthly recurring charge applies per Global Reporting Billing Report provided on a monthly recurring basis.


1.4       Cartridge Billing:  The Customer can receive invoices via cartridge in addition to the Customer’s paper copy.  A $300 set-up charge and a $100 monthly recurring charge apply per cartridge.


1.5       Communications Line: Conference Leader communicates with Verizon Operator and/or additional personnel outside of the main conference in a separate communications line.  A $50 charge applies per Event.


1.6       Conference Recording:  The Customer may request the Company to make a digital recording of a conference call.  Upon Customer request, Company will provide digital recordings as either i) a .wav file on CD-ROM or ii) a .wav or an mp3 file (mp3 file is only available with Premier or Standard service), as designated by the Customer, containing up to the first 20 MB per hour per call, posted on a Company-designated Internet site.


The Company will send CD-ROM recordings to the conference host within 24 hours of the conclusion of the call.   The Company will post recordings to the Internet within two hours of the conclusion of the call.  This feature is not available with Unattended Level service.  The following charges apply:


Charges:         $45 per CD-ROM

$45 per .wav file on CD-ROM

$45 per .wav or mp3 file downloaded from the Internet.


1.7       Conference Transcription:  The Customer may request to have a conference call transcribed on a diskette or to obtain a printed version.  This feature is not available with Unattended Level service.  A $200 per hour charge applies for each copy of a transcribed conference call.


1.8       Coordinator Request:  The Company Conference Coordinator is available to fulfill special requests during a conference call.  This feature is available with Premier Level and Standard Level service at no charge. Customers will be charged $3.50 per occurrence for non-technical assistance with Unattended Level service, up to a maximum of $50.00 per conference call.


1.9       Duplicate Billing:  The Customer may have duplicate invoices produced and sent to a Customer designated address.  The request may be a one-time request, or occur on a monthly recurring basis.  A $10 per invoice, per location charge applies.


1.10     Operational Reports


1.10.1  Description:  Operational Reports provides Audio Conferencing, Net Conferencing and Video Conferencing invoice detail reports for Customers whose Audio Conferencing, Net Conferencing and Video Conferencing usage exceeds $50,000 per monthly period.  Customer may request Operational Reports on either a one-time or a monthly recurring basis.  Standard Reporting provides customized conference call detail information.  Global Reporting consolidates Standard Reporting for two or more region.


1.10.2  Charges


A.         Standard Reporting:  A $150 charge applies per Standard Reporting Operational Report provided on a one-time basis.  A $100 monthly recurring charge applies per Standard Reporting Operational Report provided on a monthly recurring basis.


B.         Global Reporting:  A $350 charge applies per Global Reporting Operational Report provided on a one-time basis. A $100 monthly recurring charge applies per Global Reporting Operational Report provided on a monthly recurring basis.


1.11     Participant List:  For all Service Levels (Unattended, Premier, and Standard), a participant list will be e-mailed to the Leader at the Leader’s request and will bear a charge of $40.  Customer acknowledges and agrees that such a request by Customer or a Leader shall constitute Customer’s and the Leader’s request for delivery of Verizon service information to Customer and the Leader, including customer proprietary network information (“CPNI”), using unencrypted e-mail conveyed over the public Internet.  Customer further acknowledges and understands that unencrypted information transmitted over the public Internet is subject to being intercepted and viewed by third parties.


1.12     Pre-Notification:  Allows a Company Conference Coordinator to notify all participating callers of the date and time of a scheduled conference call provided that Company has at least 48 hours' advance notice by the Customer.  The charges for this feature are as follows:


$2.50   per participant in domestic locations

$3.50   per participant in Canada

$5.00   per participant in international locations excluding Canada


2.         Instant Meeting Features:  Unless otherwise specified, the following chargeable features are available only with Audio Conferencing and with the Instant Meeting Service Levels.


2.1       Web Moderator Features:  The following chargeable features are available with the Instant Meeting Service Web Moderator, a web-based interface that allows the Customer to control certain features and capabilities of the Instant Meeting conference call.


2.1.1    Blast Dial:  Permits the leader to dial out simultaneously to as many as 10 participants at a time.  Instant Meeting Dial-Out access charges (see Section III – Rates and Charges) apply based on whether over IP transport or not, and if not, then based on origination and termination.


2.1.2    Dial-Out Initiation (Leader):  Permits the leader to set up Web Moderator to initiate the dial out to the leader.  Instant Meeting Dial-Out access charges (see Section III – Rates and Charges) apply based on based on whether over IP transport or not, and if not, then based on origination and termination.


2.1.3    Dial-Out Initiation (Participants):  Permits the leader to set up Web Moderator to dial out to conference participants one at a time.  Instant Meeting Dial-Out access charges (see Section III – Rates and Charges) apply based on based on whether over IP transport or not, and if not, then based on origination and termination.


2.1.4    Increase Conference SizePermits the leader to utilize the Web Moderator to temporarily increase the number of ports available for their Instant Meeting subscription by 20 ports before or during an Instant Meeting conference call.  The Instant Meeting subscription will revert to the number of subscribed ports at the conclusion of the conference call.  A  $20 charge per-call per temporary-port-increase applies.  This feature must be enabled at the Customer account level.



2.2       Verizon Collaboration Plug-In:  [Effective October 1, 2017, Verizon Collaboration Plug-In will no longer be available for new Service Orders.  Customers who currently have Verizon Collaboration Plug-In may continue to use it with full support from Verizon.]  Verizon Collaboration Plug-In (VCP) enables registered “End-Users” (end users of a customer which has subscribed to a separate agreement to use Company Audio Conferencing) who are leaders and/or participants and subscribers of VCP feature to utilize their existing copy of Microsoft® Outlook® 2003, Microsoft® Outlook® 2007, Microsoft® Outlook® 2010 or Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 (separately licensed by Microsoft, Inc.) on their computers to communicate with Company’s Conferencing Service scheduling systems to schedule real-time, domestic, Instant Meeting calls. 


2.2.1    Terms and Conditions of Use:  Customer’s and its End-Users’ use of VCP, its content, and any associated software and ancillary service offered through a Company Conferencing service portal is subject to the online conferencing VCP License Agreement (VCPLA).  The terms and conditions of the VCPLA are in addition to any applicable terms and conditions set forth in this Guide, and in addition to any applicable terms and conditions associated with any related products, services, user’s guides and the like related to End-User’s access to VCP.  By authorizing an End-User to use VCP, Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer is subject to all such terms and conditions with respect to its and its End-Users’ use of VCP, and further that Company may seek from Customer all remedies available in law and in equity for any violations of such terms and conditions by its End-Users of VCP.  Resale or use by anyone other than registered End-Users is expressly prohibited.


2.2.2    Customer’s Obligations 


A.         Customer must ensure that a valid contract for Company’s Audio Conferencing service is in place and the Instant Meeting feature has been activated for its usage prior to permitting its End-Users to use VCP.


B.         Customer agrees: (i) not to create or attempt to create by reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, or otherwise the source code, internal structure, or organization of any VCP component, or permit others to do so; (ii) not to remove any notices of proprietary rights or copyright restrictions from any VCP component or related support material; or (iii) except for archival or back-up copies, not to copy, modify, or develop any derivative works of any VCP component, or include portions of any VCP software in any other software program.


C.        Customer’s End-Users are solely responsible for obtaining (and maintaining) all hardware necessary to connect to and use VCP.


2.2.3    Limitation of Liability:  VCP is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind whatsoever, whether implied or express.  Company specifically disclaims any and all implied warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement of third-party rights, or any warranties arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice.  Customer expressly acknowledges that its use and its End-Users’ use of VCP is entirely at its sole risk.  In no event shall Company, its affiliates or suppliers have any liability to Company, whether direct or indirect, consequential, exemplary, special, general or incidental under any legal theory, for damages, losses or equitable relief arising in connection with its or its End-Users’ use of VCP.  Additionally, Customer acknowledges and agrees that there is no guarantee that (i) VCP will be uninterrupted or error-free, networks or systems connected to or supported by the VCP will be secure, or VCP will meet its or its End-Users’ particular requirements; and (ii) any communications sent by means of VCP will be absolutely private.


2.2.4    Service Suspension/Termination:  Company reserves the right to make changes to, suspend or terminate VCP in whole or in part, for any reason at any time. 


2.2.5    Regulatory Compliance:   Access to VCP is governed by any applicable export, import and use controls under the laws and regulations of the United States, other foreign governments and international agreements.  Company makes no representation that any content related to VCP is appropriate or available for use in any location outside the United States.  If VCP is accessed from a location outside the United States, such access is at Customer’s and its End-User’s sole risk of not being in compliance with any applicable law and/or regulation.  All information available via VCP is subject to United States export control laws and may also be subject to the laws in locations outside of the United States.


2.2.6    Copyright and Trademarks:  The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on VCP are the property of Company or other third parties.  Unless expressly authorized by Company in writing, the reproduction, translation, copying, storing, publicly displaying, modification, publication, sublicensing, assigning, transference, selling, creation of derivative works or the otherwise distribution of any content associated with VCP is expressly prohibited.


2.3       Instant Meeting Replay Service Option


2.3.1    Description:  Allows a conference leader to initiate a digital recording of a conference call, without reservation or Conference Coordinator, by accessing a Company‑designated Internet site, at any time prior to or during an Instant Meeting Service conference call and allows participating callers with a Customer‑issued passcode to access an Instant Meeting Replay recording via a Company-issued toll free number or direct distance dial number.


2.3.2    The conference leader may order a recording at the Company‑designated Internet site in the following formats:


•     CD‑ROM (up to 80 minutes of recording time)

•     .wav file on CD‑ROM (playable only in PC and Mac systems)

•     .wav file for Internet download (available via the web within 2 hours of the order placed)


2.3.3    Charges:  Charges for Instant Meeting Replay Service include a non-recurring charge for initiating replay and usage charges for access to the replay recordings.  Additional charges apply for media fulfillment.


A.         Usage Charges:  The following per-minute per-call usage charges apply access to Instant Meeting Replay recordings, based on access type:



Access Type

Toll Number

Toll Free Number




B.         Non-Recurring  Charge:  A $25 one-time charge applies to initiate an Instant Meeting Replay recorded call.


C.        Other Charges:  The following per-copy charges apply based on format type:


Format Type                                Charge


CD-ROM                                          $45

.wav file on CD-ROM                       $45

.wav file Internet Download             $45


2.4       Audio Conferencing with Lync


2.4.1    Description.  Audio Conferencing with Lync is a third-party-provided server application that enables prospective conference attendees to dial in to a meeting hosted by Customer’s Microsoft® Lync® Server environment from a non-Lync connection, for example, calls placed via the PSTN and cellular phone networks.  (Absent this capability, all conference attendees must join the meeting using a Microsoft® Lync® client.)  To use Audio Conferencing with Lync, Customer must download and deploy the third-party-provided server application and accept terms and conditions provided by the third-party owner of the enabling application.  Downloading the application and use of the application is entirely at Customer’s own risk.  Verizon does not own any rights to the application beyond the ability to resell it, makes no warranties regarding the performance of Audio Conferencing with Lync, and disclaims all liability arising from its use.  Verizon will provide technical support and assistance to Customer to the extent Customer encounters a technical issue or software anomaly that precludes or diminishes Customer’s use of Audio Conferencing with Lync.


2.4.2    Charges.  The charges for Audio Conferencing with Lync are comprised of an MRC charged for each increment of 125 concurrent conferences purchased by Customer (each, a “Primary Server Application Instance”), plus an MRC per optional Secondary Server Application Instance, both based on Customer’s Service Commitment. Primary Server Application Instances must be implemented to the extent Customer desires to use Audio Conferencing with Lync.  Secondary Server Application Instances also can be purchased and implemented to enable load-balancing and/or high-availability architectures.


Server Application Instances

MRC per Server –

12 Month Service Commitment

1 to 4


5 to 10


11 and up



Secondary Server Application*

$450 per Server Application Instance


*   If Customer orders Secondary Server Application Instances, they must at least equal the number of Primary Server Application Instances.  For example, if Customer requires two Primary Server Application Instances, and also desires to purchase Secondary Server Application Instances, it must purchase at least two Secondary Server Application Instances.




2.5       Instant Replay Plus Service Option:  Allows callers to access a digital replay of a previously held Conferencing Calling call or other recorded audio announcement via a toll free or toll number (standard telephone number) 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  The following Instant Replay Plus Service features are available:


2.5.1    Fax Back:  Permits a caller to download a document that has been pre-loaded into the recorded program to a specified fax number.  The caller may then return to the program.


2.5.2    Index Select:  Permits callers to advance to particular recorded segment via touch-tone menu options.  Conference calls may be segmented or indexed by speaker or topic, for example.


2.5.3    PIN or Passcode:  Assigns and optional PIN or Passcode to the Customer's replay to ensure privacy.  Individual PIN code assignment allows tracking of caller responses.  A database of eligible callers must be received from the Customer to enable assignment and tracking of individual PIN codes.


2.5.4    Survey:  Permits callers to be asked up to 20 closed-end questions (10 per segment).  Callers may be polled before and/or after a recorded segment.  Callers respond to questions using their telephone keypad.  A survey report will be provided to the Customer.


2.5.5    Voice Response:  Permits the Customer to define up to five caller identification voice prompts (e.g., name, phone number, e-mail address, department number, and location), or to define additional voice prompts for callers to leave messages or comments before and/or after the recorded program.  Voice responses are transcribed and e-mailed to the Customer.  The Customer may choose to have caller identification, messaging and commentary transcriptions placed on an audiocassette for an additional one-time charge per cassette.


2.5.6    Charges:  The following charges apply:


A.         One-Time Charges:  The following one-time charges apply per Conferencing Calling call:


Charge Type


Instant Replay Plus set-up

$   25.00

Survey set-up (1 segment)


Survey set-up (2 segments)


Voice Response set-up


Special Conferencing Calling call development request


Delivery (successful) of Fax Back pages (per page)



B.         Voice Response Caller Information Charges:  The following per caller charges apply per transcription for Voice Response caller identification information, messages and commentary:


Charge Type


Up to five pieces of caller identification information

$  1.00

Per 15 minutes of caller messages or commentary



C.        Voice Talent Charge:  A $199 charge applies per five minutes of use of a professional voice talent on the Conferencing Call.


D.        Usage Charges:  The following per-minute per-call usage charges apply to Instant Replay Plus recordings, based on access type:


Access Type

Toll Number

Toll Free Number

