Mobile Security Index Cheatsheet

Mobile Security Index
2021 Report

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  • The threats are rising.

    Three-fifths of respondents said that they think that mobile devices are the company’s biggest IT security threat. Of the rest, 85% said that mobile devices are at least as vulnerable as other IT systems

  • Figure 6a
  • Figure 6b
  • Driven by increased home working

    A large majority (79%) had seen remote working increase as a result of COVID-19. Most (70%) expected remote working to fall again, but over three-quarters said that it would remain higher than before lockdown.

  • And expanded use of cloud

    Respondents said that nearly half (46%) of their IT workloads were run in the cloud. Three-quarters said their reliance on cloud-based apps is growing. 

  • Figure 6c
  • Figure 6d
  • Putting pressure on IT

    Growing threats and never-ending pressure from the organization are putting IT in a difficult position. Over three-quarters had come under pressure to sacrifice mobile device security to help meet deadlines and other business goals. And 75% of those succumbed.

  • And increasing concerns

    The vast majority (82%) of respondents that expressed an opinion said that within five years their company will rely on networks it doesn’t own, like home-broadband and cellular, more than ones it does. More than half (58%) said they struggle to reconcile differing mobile demands from across the business.

  • Figure 7a
  • Figure 7b
  • Reported compromises are down.

    Fewer respondents in our latest survey were aware of their company having suffered a mobile-related security compromise.

  • But the severity remains high.

    Over half that had suffered a compromise said that the consequences were major. Just 12%, less than one in eight, said that the consequences were minor. 

  • Figure 7c
  • Users or departments making their own IT decisions and purchasing without oversight.
    2All 856 respondents.

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