Mobile Security Index 2019

  • msi cover 2019
  • Mobile security risks are on the rise. Is your business protected?

    33% of companies admitted to having suffered a compromise involving a mobile device and the majority of those affected said that the impact was major.

    As mobile devices increasingly have access to sensitive business and customer data, 67% of organizations said they are less confident of their security than their other IT assets.

    The Mobile Security Index 2019 gives detailed insight into the threats you face and what you can do to mitigate them. 

    Read the report Read the Executive Summary Access the Executive Summary online
  • msi infographic sm
  • As the number of mobile threats grows, so does the need for more mobile security.

    We surveyed over 670 professionals, along with many leading mobile security organizations, to discover insights into the latest mobile data security threats and trends. 


    Download the infographic


of respondents agreed that mobile threats are growing faster than other types of threats.


of those who were compromised said they suffered downtime.


say they sacrificed mobile security for business objectives.


agreed that organizations need to take mobile security more seriously.