Remote work
plan: The best tools
and tips for remote
small business

Author: Shane Schick

As many small businesses have seen their traditionally office bound employees move to more flexible work arrangements, they've recognized the need to ensure that their employees still feel connected as a team. A remote work communication plan and strategy should begin with that in mind.

There is no question that SMBs are beginning to see the benefits of providing staff with greater flexibility in where and how they work. In fact, a recent survey found that SMBs have more employees working remotely or in a hybrid situation than solely at their company's location. Approximately 40% also plan to increase remote and hybrid work options over the next year.

The drive for better remote communication methods

Companies have found that hybrid and remote work arrangements resulted in their employees often being more productive, and they appreciated the time saved on commuting. Greater flexibility in work arrangements is also a key factor in retaining employees or acquiring new talent as SMBs compete for candidates with in-demand skills.

On the other hand, SMBs are like businesses of almost any size in that they need to master the changes that come with remote working communication. Pre-pandemic, most ad-hoc work conversations occurred as workers walked around the office or stopped by someone's desk. With the increase in hybrid work, tools that encourage ad-hoc sharing of business information may need to be re-evaluated.

Remote communication methods for workers also need to take into account adjustments to age-old practices, such as how employees are coached. Technology now makes it easy to see, hear and exchange files from anywhere, but SMB leaders must ensure virtual experiences offer a healthy and supportive work environment. In fact, a global survey found culture comes second only to salary in terms of what makes a great employee experience.

The importance of a strong culture in your remote work communication plan

Given that culture can be influenced through so many parts of the business, start by evaluating the impact of hybrid work on employees' day-to-day tasks. A recent report on hybrid work culture found that while doing one's job away from the office makes it easier to think creatively and meet deadlines, other tasks become more difficult. This includes making connections with colleagues, staying informed about what's going on inside a company and ensuring all team members have a voice in key decisions.

There is a distinction between allowing remote work and having a remote-only workforce. SMB leaders who offer greater flexibility in where work gets done must continue providing an equitable experience in the office and beyond it.

Remote communication methods can vary widely, but opting for unified communications (UC) technologies can provide the capabilities SMBs need. As a solution that facilitates conversation and collaboration across multiple devices, UC supports workers in the office, at home or wherever they work. It also gives them a variety of tools and applications to apply in a particular context, including audio, video conferencing and more.

Small medium business (SMB) tips to improve your remote work communication plan

SMB leaders should provide best practice guidance that promotes greater engagement and team cohesion. 

1. Utilize tools that support team collaboration

When you're in the office needing assistance it's easy to seek out someone down the hall or in a nearby office for help. Harnessing the power of UC can provide similar options to connect, as employees can easily turn to coworkers that are far away and not physically in the same location as them.

Rather email, discuss how team messaging tools can offer a more collaborative experience.

According to Gartner® 80% of workers overall are using collaboration tools compared with just over half in 2019. They just might need more direction or education on how to make the most of these tools.1

2. Build transparency into everyday practices and remote communication methods

Things have come a long way since the days when many companies required employees to use a punch clock to indicate when they arrived for work and left at the end of their shift. Still, hybrid models don't always make it clear when employees are on the job, taking a break or are away for a more extended period of time.

Remote work communication plans can include communication solutions such as the use of calendaring tools and setting up out-of-office messages. Don't assume that staff will immediately recognize the need for this kind of transparency, however. A survey conducted by LinkedIn found that managerial training was one of the top five areas employees believe companies need to invest in to help improve company culture.

3. Develop a level playing field for all employees

By now, many of those working in a SMB (or even in larger organizations) equate remote communication methods with video conferencing. A 2021 survey found that 95% of businesses were using some form of video conferencing solution, and 91% said the primary use was for connecting remote workers.

According to a recent report, 41% of leaders said they are trying to prevent inequities from developing amid hybrid work models. There are technologies widely available today to assist with meeting equity. This includes conferencing solutions that give everyone a similar view of each other, as well as digital whiteboards that promote collaboration in a shared workspace. It is important to include a list of the available tools that are often already included in your solution when you're creating your remote work communication plan and strategy.

4. Increase the cadence of check-ins and regrouping

No one wants to be accused of hosting a meeting that "could have been an email," as the adage goes. On the other hand, it is important that team members do not feel isolated when they're working outside of the office.

A report from Gallup found that managers connect less frequently with employees once remote work is adopted, however, checking in multiple times a week via remote communication methods improve team engagement. UC makes it easy to reach out more often. These check-ins could include updates on the progress of a project, clarification about work policies, a virtual coffee break or a conversation about mental wellness. 

5. Build employee recognition into your remote work communication plan

Solutions like UC may stem from a desire to promote teamwork and achieve business outcomes. However, the same tools can be used to recognize and appreciate staff.

A recent study found that 66% of employees would appreciate more opportunities to celebrate personal life events at work; 78% of remote workers said they feel more respected in these kinds of company cultures. Use collaboration tools such as whiteboards to create birthday cards or host a virtual surprise baby shower via a video conferencing platform. Think about how UC can allow the team to share more about who they are. UC allows workers to operate at a distance and by choosing the right tools and employing a strong, remote work communication plan, you will be able to bring your team closer together, no matter where they physically are.

Learn more about how Verizon can help your SMB make remote work successful.

The author of this content is a paid contributor for Verizon.

1Gartner Press Release, Gartner Survey Reveals a 44% Rise in Workers' Use of Collaboration Tools Since 2019, Meghan Rimol, August, 2021.

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