Online business
collaboration tools
help defeat
work uncertainty

Author: Nick Reese

The world of work has never looked less like work as we know it. Instead of sitting at their office desks, workers are now just as likely to be found working in their living rooms, kitchens, basements and backyards. Even as the pandemic recedes and life returns to normal, employees won't be flocking back to the office full-time: According to Gartner, "Nearly half of employees will work remotely at least some of the time."1 As a result, online collaboration tools—and the network flexibility required to deliver them—will play an increasing role in the way work gets done. Here's why.

The evolving role of online business collaboration tools

When it comes to business, no one accomplishes anything alone. It takes collaboration between team members, departments, business units and partners to create products, innovate solutions, support customers and react to new opportunities.

Not so long ago, collaboration required everyone to physically gather in the same space. Collaboration tools were limited to a whiteboard and notebooks. But as the world has become more digital, so have the business collaboration tools we all rely on. Critical business conversations now take place face to face over video screens, while business files are shared on cloud-based business platforms to provide access for all. As a result, employees have never been closer, even when they are far apart.

The importance of network flexibility

Employees now need to work as effectively at home as they do at the office. Not only that, but you have to assume every collaboration will now take place online as hybrid work arrangements find remote employees working together with their office-based coworkers. That makes a flexible network that can help with proper integration and interoperability across the enterprise a business imperative.

By delivering network flexibility, you can help employees make the most of your business collaboration tools, so they can help you meet your business goals. Network as a service (NaaS) helps you overcome unpredictable demand for bandwidth, providing the reliability and performance you need to power the use of cloud-based infrastructures, applications and platforms at scale.

How Verizon can help with online business collaboration tools

Verizon provides the NaaS you need to meet the needs of today's dynamic, agile business so employees can maximize their business collaboration tools. You can use NaaS in combination with your existing network or on its own to create a digital network architecture that empowers collaboration at scale. This can enable more immersive video experiences, higher-performing collaboration applications, and new opportunities to integrate data-heavy technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the way people work.

In addition to NaaS, Verizon can help deliver the business collaboration tools and solutions you need to create and empower an effectively hybrid working environment, including Verizon Calling with Microsoft Teams that can integrate Microsoft Teams with your IP Voice platform to extend connectivity outside your enterprise network.

Learn more about how Verizon's Network as a Service can help ensure network flexibility, reliability, and scalability, and ultimately meet the needs of your employees.

1Gartner for HR, Future of Work Trends Post-COVID-19, 2020,