Contact center
four signs your
business is ready

Author: Rose de Fremery

Your contact center is at the heart of the customer experience you deliver, but it's not always easy to manage one on your own. As your company grows, contact center outsourcing can be a strategic move that enhances the bottom line. Here's why a high-performing contact center is essential to your success and four signs that your business is ready to consider outsourcing.

Why the contact center is central to the customer experience

A well-run contact center allows your business to deliver an exceptional customer experience in several ways. It enables you to efficiently engage with customers on the channels they prefer, quickly resolving any issues and fulfilling any requests they may have. Your customers can have a satisfying and consistent experience, regardless of the touchpoint involved or the agent they're communicating with. Your business can also gather information on customer preferences and desires, providing personalized service and anticipating needs before they're even expressed.

Four signs your business is ready to consider contact center outsourcing

As your business grows and its customer service operation becomes more complex, you may begin to wonder whether it's time to consider switching to an outsourced solution. Here are four signs that it might be time to make the switch.

1. You're having trouble controlling costs

When you operate and manage your own contact center, it can be tricky to manage the costs associated with it—particularly when it comes to infrastructure. Hefty upfront capital expenditures can limit your budget flexibility, making financial planning unnecessarily difficult. The IT staffing investment required to administer and maintain your solution may be less immediately apparent, but it can also eventually present itself as employees encounter challenges quickly identifying performance issues and struggle to keep up with the pace of technological innovation.

2. You're experiencing difficulty scaling for growth

When business is booming and new customers are coming aboard at a rapid clip, that's cause for celebration. If your contact center team isn't properly resourced to care for them, however, your customers could soon find themselves experiencing long wait times or delays in getting a resolution. After a certain point, they might abandon their calls or begin looking at the competition. If they're frustrated enough, they might even take to social media to complain about their experiences.

This challenge can also come up during peak seasons of the year such as the holidays, when your business might book a large percentage of its annual revenue. If your business can't adequately anticipate its performance needs in advance, it may struggle to provide a high standard of customer service and continue growing its customer base.

3. You're having difficulty proactively managing performance

Businesses that run their own contact centers must devote staffing resources toward administering and maintaining them. If your IT team is already juggling multiple responsibilities or operating with lean resources, it can be difficult to ensure proper upkeep. Likewise, when performance challenges arise, your IT staff may not always be able to quickly identify the source of the problem.

During unprecedented times like the COVID-19 pandemic, time is of the essence in resolving these challenges. Many businesses switched to contact center as a service (CCaaS) solutions early on in the pandemic for this reason.

As your company grows and excellent customer experience becomes an even more urgent business imperative, you may begin looking for more effective ways to proactively manage performance on an ongoing basis as well as during exceptional global events like the current public health crisis.

4. You're struggling to keep up with technology innovation

Contact center technology is rapidly evolving, becoming increasingly more sophisticated as it incorporates features like personalization and predictive insights. If your IT team is tasked with maintaining your solution in-house, it may also be hard-pressed to keep up with innovations that could significantly enhance the customer experience and give your business a strategic competitive advantage. Accordingly, you might face an opportunity cost in the form of unrealized business potential down the road.

How contact center outsourcing can benefit your business

Contact center outsourcing can help you resolve the four challenges mentioned above, leveraging technology enhancements and performance improvements to raise the bar on the experience you provide. An outsourced partner can help your customer service team work more efficiently, delivering a reliable solution with stellar 24/7 performance. Timely incident management as well as comprehensive change and configuration management can help ensure that you deliver a better experience for your customers.

All of these improvements free your business to focus on its top priority—delivering an exceptional customer experience—and ultimately, grow the bottom line.

Learn how Verizon's contact center managed services can help you manage costs and improve performance.