
Solutions Brief

Law Enforcement and Public Safety Solutions Brief

Tap into the wealth of data and turn it into actionable intelligence with law enforcement and public safety solutions from Verizon Enterprise Solutions.

Helping officers stay more aware, secure and connected

There’s a lot of information being generated out there—from citizens sharing images on smartphones and social media to sensors, alarms and surveillance cameras streaming video from multiple locations.

All of this data is opening up new possibilities for crime-fighting. Law enforcement and public safety agencies have the opportunity to tap into this wealth of information and turn it into actionable intelligence. In fact, 70% of law enforcement agencies are already taking advantage of advanced information technology to better predict and prevent crime.

Translating data into actionable intelligence

And Verizon is part of this movement, helping agencies stay connected with a premier crime-center platform that provides reliable, continuous communication and coordination between fixed command centers and mobile units.

Essentially a small-scale rapid-response center, this integrated crime platform helps law enforcement proactively manage incoming information from multiple sources—streaming video, license plate information, automatic vehicle locators, suspicious activity reports— and coordinate an appropriate response.

Transforming the squad car into a mobile communications hub

And that’s not all. By combining the power of cloud, mobility and telematics technologies under one roof, Verizon is helping to transform the average patrol vehicle into a high-powered mobile data center.

On-board high-resolution cameras, radar detectors, radios, handheld scanners, GPS sensors and tiny printers are all wirelessly connected back to the central command center.

That means traffic citations can be electronically filed and printed right in the cruiser, and reports filed from the field. Officers can quickly pull up information about suspects from in-vehicle computers or smartphones, analyze data about crime and offenders—even better predict where and when crimes are more likely to be committed.

The result? Not only is there less paperwork, but law enforcement is able to proactively approach an incident or a crime scene armed with more operational intelligence than ever before.

Experience the speed and reliability of 4G LTE.

Processing this flood of data, especially streaming video, can consume a significant chunk of bandwidth, potentially blocking other critical incoming and outgoing information—and slowing response times.

Meet the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.

Officers in the field can quickly send and receive information with built-in 4G LTE modems running over the reliable Verizon network.

4G LTE connectivity from Verizon offers your law enforcement agency:

  • Reliable communication and collaboration in the field over a broad and reliable wireless network
  • Rapid access to important information to help keep officers safe and citizens in the know
  • The ability to easily transmit streaming video without compromising other incoming/ outgoing data
  • Advanced information-sharing capabilities via voice, data or video

Help increase officer safety and performance with telematics.

To effectively respond to the needs of your community and its citizens, while protecting responders, it’s essential to know where your mobile units are at all times. Embedded telematics sensors let you keep tabs on the location and performance of squad vehicles to help maintain safety and provide a quick response when seconds count.

With Verizon telematics solutions, you can:

  • Stream GPS coordinates of response vehicles to dispatchers at command headquarters.
  • Access live video and audio feeds; control on-dashboard cameras from the command center to gain a better view of the situation.
  • Quickly route and dispatch the nearest available unit to an officer in need.
  • Monitor key performance metrics to help promote safety, improve routing, reduce idling and fuel consumption, increase resource utilization—and curb costs.

Help boost situational awareness and response with live video.

Streaming video has become an essential part of law enforcement. Having a clearer view into incidents and crime scenes helps agencies better protect personnel, while maintaining accountability to the public.

Wireless-enabled video from Verizon offers law enforcement:

  • In-depth information about what to expect as they are traveling to and entering a crime scene
  • A valuable investigative tool for post- evidentiary reporting
  • Real-time monitoring capabilities—from keeping an eye on remote facilities, to watching crowds during major events, or during a bombing or hostage situation
  • A transparency tool that can help defend against complaints against officers and departments

Simplify data storage and retrieval with cloud technology.

Law enforcement agencies across the United States are increasingly turning to cloud computing as a smart way to support information management and operations.

Cloud technology from Verizon can help you:

  • Upload and store captured video and other crime-fighting data on a secure platform.
  • Securely manage collected video footage.
  • Enable cross-state agency data sharing.
  • Manage documents and records.
  • Simplify access and retrieval of data, as well as backup and disaster recovery.
  • Create crime reporting and analysis applications.
  • Eliminate the need to manage your own software and hardware.

Verizon helps law enforcement reduce risk, boost performance and curb costs.

Verizon is providing the technology and connectivity that’s helping police departments across the nation better communicate and coordinate. Agencies can depend on the reliability of the Verizon 4G LTE network to help shorten response times, improve officer effectiveness and safety, proactively deploy resources and even reduce crime.

Learn more.

To learn more about Security Solutions, contact your Verizon business representative.