Long Distance Voice Services

IV.5.2.1.C.1 - Offering A and Offering B Monthly Recurring Charges and Benefits Prior to July 1, 2007 and Offering C Monthly Recurring Charges and Benefits Prior to April 1, 2007.


C.1.1   The following hyperlink below provides the applicable monthly recurring charges on a state-by-state basis for Customers who subscribe to this plan and who currently subscribe to Companion Intrastate Service and Companion Local Service as described in the applicable Company state tariff, if any, or if not in the state tariff, in the intrastate portion of the Guide. These monthly recurring charges apply to Offering A and Offering B for Local Line Service prior to July 1, 2007 and Offering C monthly recurring charges for Local Line service prior to April 1, 2007


Local and Long Distance Solution Monthly Recurring Charges


C.1.2   Benefits:  Customers will receive the following benefits on in lieu of the benefits set forth in Product Packages Guide Types 18, 19, 20 and 21 for service provided under this plan prior to July 1, 2007 for Offering A and Offering B and prior to April 1, 2007 for Offering C.


i.          Offering A:  Prior to July 1, 2007, upon installation of interstate service and Companion Local Service, the Customer will receive unlimited Eligible Interstate Usage, Eligible Intrastate Service usage and unlimited exchange service usage as described in the Companion Intrastate Service tariffs and Companion Local Service tariffs or other appropriate governing documents.


ii.          Offering B:  Prior to July 1, 2007, upon installation of interstate service and Companion Local Service, a Customer who subscribes to Offering B will receive an allotment of 1,250 minutes per monthly period per local trunk subscribed to under this offering that may be used for (i) Eligible Interstate Usage and (ii) Eligible Intrastate Service as described in the Companion Intrastate Service tariff in that monthly period.  Customers whose usage exceeds this allotment in any monthly period will be charged $0.05 per minute for Eligible Interstate Usage that exceeds this allotment (Overage Usage Charge).  When a call under this offering begins prior to the completion of Customer's monthly allotment and ends after completion of the allotment, the Customer will be charged $0.05 per minute for Eligible Interstate Usage for the portion of the call after completion of the allotment.  For Customers enrolling in this plan after the first day of a billing cycle, whose allotment begins after the first day of a billing cycle or whose enrollment in this plan ends before the last day of the billing cycle, the allotment will be pro-rated for that billing cycle.  The portion of a Customer’s allotment that is not exhausted at the end of a monthly billing period will not carry over to the next month.


The Customer will receive exchange service usage as described in the Companion Local Service tariffs or other appropriate governing document.


iii.         Offering C:  Prior to April 1, 2007, upon installation of Companion Interstate Service and Companion Local Service, Customer will receive an allotment of 30,000 minutes per monthly period per Local T1 or ISDN-PRI that may be used for (i) Eligible Interstate Usage and (ii) Eligible Intrastate Service in that monthly period.  Customers whose usage exceeds this allotment in any monthly period will be charged $0.05 per minute for Eligible Intrastate Service that exceeds the allotment (Overage Usage Charge).  When a call under this offering begins prior to the completion of Customer’s monthly allotment and ends after completion of the allotment, Customer will be charged $0.05 per minute for Eligible Intrastate Service for the portion of the call occurring after completion of the allotment.  For Customers enrolling in this plan after the first day of a billing cycle, whose allotment begins after the first day of a billing cycle or whose enrollment in this plan ends before the last day of the billing cycle, the allotment will be pro-rated for that billing cycle. The portion of a Customer’s allotment that is not exhausted at the end of a monthly billing period will not carry over to the next month.