1. Introduction

In conjunction with the licensing of telecommunication cable detection workers by the Info-communications Development Authority Of Singapore (IDA) and in compliance with section 29(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1999 (the Act), the administration procedures for the notification of earthworks by the contractors/principals to Verizon are as contained herein.

2. Administration Procedure

The principals/contractors may enquire the latest Outside Plant (OSP, i.e. pipeline and manholes around the Singapore roads and walk paths) information from Superloop at the under mentioned CONTACT. Please note that majority of the Verizon manholes and pipeline have been acquired by Superloop (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

** NOTE #1: The abovementioned facilities houses Verizon fibre facilities/infrastructure and may be labelled/ marked "Verizon", MCI" and/or "WorldCom" **

For clarifications, updates or requests, you may submit your queries through the following channels:

Verizon will no longer attend to any enquiries with regard to manholes and pipelines (except per Note: #2 below) however should you require further information on the Verizon fibre within the Superloop duct please, contact Verizon as follows:

Verizon Email:
Verizon Contact: +65.9111.5320 or +65.9111.5126

** NOTE #2: From 15th Dec 2016 Verizon will have new manholes and pipeline section along Woodlands Centre Road, Admiralty Road, Marsiling Road and Riverside Road. Contact Verizon and submit plant enquiries for Plant map and NCE details along this section ONLY.

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