5G Edge
Crowd Analytics

Leverage the power of 5G Edge to gain advanced visibility and intelligence—and help transform customer experiences.

Transform crowd flow with AI-driven technology.

Get near real-time data and insights to help you better manage traffic-flow patterns and wait times.

Help increase

Use secure application programming interfaces (APIs) to easily integrate with mobile apps and other operations software—to offer new services that can help increase revenue.

Aim for smarter, safer experiences.

Analyze foot traffic using artificial intelligence (Al), heat mapping, lidar and other sensors to help improve security and efficiency.

Improve forecasting and help reduce costs.

Use historical crowd data to better understand capacity planning, which can help reduce energy use and staffing costs.

Enhance digital signage messaging.

Improve signage* communications with simple mobile APIs and advanced data to inform visitors and help them navigate the space more easily.

Get insights on product placement.

Receive detailed data about traffic patterns and congestion to help boost your marketing efforts and drive revenue.

Prioritize customer satisfaction.

Leverage data analvtics to help reduce wait times at entrances, points of sale and other busy areas.

Do more with your data.

Our easy-to-use, three-tiered IO Platform gives you the tools you need to gather and analyze large amounts of data—to help improve interactions with guests.

Connect your data.

IO Connect helps unify data from various sources—like cameras, point-of-sale systems and lidar—to build a more holistic view of the visitor experience.

Get insights.

IO Insights makes data actionable with AI-driven visualizations and automation tools designed to help you solve your unique challenges.

Engage customers.

IO Engage can help improve how you interact with both visitors and staff, using data-driven content delivery tools.

Crowd-flow dynamics for state and local higher education.

From college arenas to university stadiums, 5G Edge Crowd Analytics can help organizations streamline operations and create better visitor experience.3

Discover more ways to improve guest experiences.

verizon employee reading tablet on a wall

5G Edge Accelerated Access

Cut down wait times and verify guest identities with this opt-in SaaS solution for venue and facility entrances.

drink aisle in a store

5G Edge Cashierless Checkout

Evolve the customer experience with a Saas solution that uses computer vision and machine learning to enable simple seamless shopping.

woman looking at her computer

5G Edge

Leverage a platform that helps you build, deploy and manage edge applications across a distributed MEC infrastructure—for greater visibility and control.

Let's get started.

1 Customers are responsible for their own digital signage.

2 5G access requires a 5G-capable device in a 5G coverage area.

3 Solution is available to U.S. state and local government customers and educational institutions using public funding only in the following states when purchasing on a standalone agreement on commercial terms: Arkansas, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, Washington and Wyoming. Solution is available to privately funded educational institutions and supporting organizations (e.g., athletic boosters groups) on commercial terms in all 50 states.