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Reinventing retail.

Discover the technology that’s helping the industry set new trends.

The future of luxury retail

The luxury retail industry is always evolving. As consumer preferences and shopping habits change, retailers are embracing the latest technologies to provide immersive, digital shopping experiences. 

In our new future of luxury retail series, we spoke with experts in fashion, customer psychology and retail technology on everything from immersive in-store experiences to personalised, seamless shopping across on and offline.
Explore the full series of videos, articles and interviews below.

Redefining shopping in the digital age

6 mins | Howard Saunders | Retail Futurist 

In this first episode, we sat down with Futurist Howard Saunders to hear his thoughts on the future of retail. By keeping close to the latest trends, he’s developed an understanding for consumer behaviour, the power of technology and the need to think more laterally about shopping. 

Read articles below for more information.

Introduction to the future of luxury retail

What impact is technology having on luxury retail? From greater supply chain transparency to creating “experiences worth sharing” in-store, technology is helping brands to meet new customer preferences. 

Redefining shopping in the digital age

In a world where people arguably “own too much,” what’s still motivating shoppers to buy? Store experience holds more power than we think. See how shopping is changing.

Connected shopping

7 mins | Natalie Berg | Retail Analyst 

In the second episode of our series, we talk to Retail Analyst and NBK Retail Founder Natalie Berg. Through technology, consumers are more connected than ever–with unlimited choice, insider knowledge and new digital experiences. Learn how technology is shifting the landscape. 

Read articles below for more information.

Ultra-connected experiences

Technology is bridging the gap between luxury retail and the average consumer. Influencers and concepts like the metaverse are allowing for increased access to premium services and changing attitudes, too. 

Anatomy of an ultra-connected consumer

As consumers become more empowered by connectivity, luxury retailers are raising their game to provide convenience—with technology at every touchpoint. See how experts view the connected consumer.

Science of shopping

7 mins | Shakaila Forbes-Bell | Fashion Psychologist  

In the third episode of our future of luxury retail series, we talk to Fashion Psychologist Shakaila Forbes-Bell. Her psychology and shopping trends expertise gives her unique insights into the needs of a new tech-savvy and super-conscious consumer.

Read articles below for more information.

The psychology of luxury, tomorrow

Today's shoppers want luxury in line with their values, whether that be sustainability, personalisation or the consumption experience. Shakaila Forbes-Bell tells us why.

Immersive technology and personalised worlds

There’s a sweet spot between immersive technology and personalisation. Inventory visibility, smart mirrors and more are emerging across retail. But which innovations are best suited to elevate the shopping experience?

Experiential retail

6 mins | Matthew Drinkwater | Head of Innovation Agency, London College of Fashion

As part of our future of luxury retail series, we spoke with Matthew Drinkwater, Head of Innovation Agency, London College of Fashion. He shared how luxury retailers are using the latest technologies, like 3D design, to experiment, innovate and deliver exciting new connected experiences for customers.

Read articles below for more information.

How emerging technologies are revolutionising luxury retail

Cutting-edge technologies like blockchain are helping luxury retailers prove the provenance of products. This allows consumers to trace where items come from, empowering them to shop in line with their own sustainability values. See how else tech is helping to create a new retail revolution.

Four essential tech innovations for luxury retailers in 2024

The retail industry is evolving to offer consumers more immersive, meaningful experiences. But what technology is driving this shift to experiential retail? In this article, we outline the top four innovations luxury retailers need to understand and embrace.

Circular economy

8 mins | Dr. Helen Crowley | Biologist & Environmental Consultant 

Nature and Biodiversity Expert Dr. Helen Crowley discusses how luxury retailers can increase sustainability. By embracing the circular economy and scrutinising supply chains, brands can reduce their negative impact on the natural world while catering for a new breed of environmentally conscious shopper.

Read articles below for more information.

The circular economy

How can luxury retailers make their operations more sustainable, while meeting the needs of demanding consumers? The answer could lie in the circular economy, where brands work to reduce waste and put extra emphasis on reusing and recycling.

Why the circular economy matters for luxury fashion retailers

To meet the demands of more environmentally conscious shoppers and new regulations, retailers need to find ways to make their businesses more sustainable. Explore how embracing the circular economy could be the answer.

Embrace the future of luxury retail with Verizon.

In our future of luxury retail series, industry experts analyse how technology is helping the luxury retail industry to evolve. Explore the key insights from the series and learn how Verizon can empower businesses to get more out of these innovations. 

Read articles below for more information.

The art of connecting

Understanding how innovations can help drive transformation is one thing. But to get more out of new technologies, luxury retail businesses need a partner to guide them on building a plan for successful implementation. Explore how Verizon is perfectly placed to help.  

The future of luxury retail: a report from Verizon Business

Learn from the experts how luxury retail brands are embracing the latest technologies to respond to the rise of the Gen Z luxury shopper, intensifying regulatory pressures and the demand for more personalised, immersive shopping experiences. From flagship to supply chain, see how luxury is rethinking retail. 

  • Embrace the next
    generation of retail.

To meet the ever-increasing needs of modern shoppers, you need technology that gives you agility, creativity and resilience. Imagine offering your customers more personal shopping journeys than ever before. Or giving them the very latest, immersive, engaging digital experiences. How about streamlining your supply chain with internet of things (IoT) to fix problems before they happen? Or analysing data with enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) to make more informed decisions about stock and pricing.

It’s time to embrace digital transformation in retail. Then you can unlock greater customer insights, enhance your operations and create secure omnichannel experiences that delight shoppers. This is reinventing retail. 
This is Enterprise Intelligence.

How technology is helping retailers meet their challenges and thrive.

How technology is helping retailers meet their challenges and thrive



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Enterprise Intelligence
  • Be better connected with the right solutions.

We know the backbone of any major modernisation initiative is the connectivity of your people, processes and systems. As your trusted network partner, we can provide the infrastructure that enables you to experience and adopt innovation in a way that’s right for your organisation.

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Explore the future. Experience true collaboration and innovation in action. And put your ideas into action at the Verizon London Hub. 

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