Call to action: The
time to act is now.

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  • So, we have now outlined both the technology transformation agenda and the in-depth checklists that organizations should follow when it comes to deploying the technical building blocks that will enable remote working as business as usual. It’s a lot of information, but it offers a thorough articulation of steps that organizations should take today to secure their business tomorrow.

    Most important is to move sequentially. You need to understand the agenda for your organization, then run through the checklist to assess if you have most elements in place to begin—or continue—your transformation. One thing is sure: By working through the steps we’ve outlined here, you will be able to understand if your organization is truly ready to embrace the fourth wave of remote working in the world of “business as unusual.”

    In our next paper, we will look at the specific work trends underpinning the future workplace and implications on the people building blocks (as mentioned in our tech transformation agenda above) and the leadership mindsets required to emerge as remote leaders in a post-COVID-19 world, another issue that we also teed up in the first article.

  • Man working at desk