Make manufacturing even more data- driven.

Plant operations and OT 

Timely, robust and reliable data is crucial to maintaining uptime, productivity and security across your plant operations and technology. To get that data, you need intelligent infrastructure connecting all your devices and machines seamlessly and securely. With more connected, data-driven manufacturing, you can solve problems faster, increase visibility, and boost operational efficiency across IT operations and beyond.

Ongoing economic and international instability. Skills shortages and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI). Rapid growth in volume and sophistication of cyberattacks. The difficulties are many. Manufacturers are more susceptible than most. Any delay in investing in digital transformation could not only put you at a competitive disadvantage, it also could be a question of the survival of your business.

Reliable, real-time data is essential for:

  • Making better plant and operational technology decisions
  • Improving forecasts
  • Improving quality of production
  • Reducing waste
  • Optimising plant and machine operations
  • Increasing workplace safety
  • Making best use of limited capital expenditures and managing costs

Use data to help run your manufacturing efficiently and sustainably.

According to the United Nations, manufacturing is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions globally.But it’s not all doom and gloom. The good news is that manufacturers are embracing new technologies—like AI, machine learning (ML) and predictive analytics—to help combat these impacts.

A connected, intelligent and agile manufacturing ecosystem powered by data-led insights can empower manufacturers to:

  • Increase control over their supply chains
  • Predict demand and materials requirements
  • Reduce waste
  • Improve productivity

Additionally, you can be part of the changing manufacturing landscape by leading in sustainability. With real-time and robust data at your green fingertips, you can report on your sustainability and environmental, social and governance progress. In addition to inspiring others, this is increasingly critical to recruiting the right talent and appealing to consumers.

It’s not just carbon emissions that efficient, data-led manufacturing can cut. Data-led manufacturing can help reduce costs, too. By investing in digital transformation, you can:

  • Use AI/ML to optimise the performance of machines and workers, and boost labour productivity by 15% to 30% 2
  • Leverage automation to enable a lean workforce, reducing costs and reducing likelihood of human error
  • Use predictive analytics to model, avoid and mitigate crises such as supply chain shortages, costly delays and missed shipments

Combining internal data with external information—including weather information, economic indicators and demographic data—and applying ML models can deliver insight that looks like intuition. Should the worst happen, they can help alleviate the costs and accelerate recovery.

Intelligent, connected factories are more resistant to crises. The increased visibility they offer can help avoid or mitigate situations—such as supply chain shortages, costly delays and missed shipments—by improving forecasting and providing early warning of potential issues and challenges.

Use data to improve maintenance and uptime.

AI/ML models can also help implement predictive maintenance programs. They can replace time-based schedules with dynamic maintenance to help reduce unnecessary work and increase uptime.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensors could, for example, spot a vibration in a piece of equipment and then an AI/ML model could identify whether it’s nothing to worry about or something that needs immediate attention. Such models can even use synthetic sensors, like using an existing security camera feed to spot coolant leaks, wear-and-tear or damage. This approach can help you get the maximum life out of consumable components and avoid preventable problems and safety concerns.

Use of predictive maintenance analytics on assets can improve uptime and productivity by addressing nearly 50% of the root causes of downtime.3

Use data to ensure safety in the workplace.

The safety of your workforce is always of the utmost importance. Data and technology can help. AI/ML can process video streams in the manufacturing process, generating real-time data insights and alerts that can be used for quality control and to spot safety concerns quickly. So, you can use reliable, real-time data and connectivity to prevent accidents before they happen. You could also:

  • Use AI to automatically shut down machinery if somebody enters a dangerous or off-limits area
  • Automatically shut down equipment if intelligent video analytics detect the user is not wearing the right safety gear
  • Deploy autonomous mobile robots-mounted cameras paired with AI to identify where additional training is required
  • Implement intelligent sensors and AI to monitor alertness of your workers and transport drivers to provide real-time safety warnings

AI and innovative new technology can also help with training, onboarding and upskilling staff. Augmented reality training overlayed on equipment can boost engagement, for example. It’ll come as no surprise that addressing global skills shortages are near the top of many manufacturers’ priorities. Deloitte found that one in three executives it surveyed indicated retaining high-performing employees was their strategic priority in 2023. Additionally, 74% of those surveyed executives said that finding the right talent was in their top five challenges.4 So, when you need to bring in new staff, retain existing staff, or upskill and train, reliable data and connectivity can be your best friends.

For plant operations and OT, visibility means everything. Having reliable, real-time data to bolster key strategic decisions throughout your operations can make or break your business—from security and supply chain efficiency all the way through to maintaining precious OT infrastructure. You need to be confident you can always see exactly what you’re working with.

Verizon has worked with many manufacturers and helped them get more from their data. Our industry experts have decades of relevant experience, enabling them to provide practical and effective advice. Our global network, computing, and security expertise and extensive ecosystem can help you put those ideas into practice. We can help you de-risk transformation, boost productivity and achieve the promise of Industry 4.0.

See how we helped Tate & Lyle on its digital transformation journey.

We worked with Tate & Lyle to improve performance, improve visibility across its infrastructure, boost cost savings by more than 10% and support business growth.

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