Starts with

Enterprise technology is undergoing massive shifts and the possibilities are endless. We’re living through an exciting time, but it’s also a dangerous one. Every new technological advancement also brings heightened security risks. As you move more and more of your operation into virtualized networks, deploy new applications and place more data in the cloud, your vulnerability to cyberattacks and data breaches also increases. Learn about how to leverage new technologies while also protecting yourself, core to edge.

Security transformation is non-negotiable

If you consider security as one of the primary obstacles to achieving digital transformation, it’s understandable. For years, organizations kept their data under lock and key in a physical location. But as enterprise infrastructures become more complex, the answer has increasingly been cloud-based technology. Technologies like software defined networks, the Internet of Things, intelligent video, artificial intelligence/machine learning, automation, and augmented and virtual reality are allowing enterprises to explore new frontiers. But just like the Wild West, there’s as much risk as there is reward. You need more than your old security playbook to combat the increasingly sophisticated threats to your organization.

Prime the pump for security transformation

Once you decide to undergo a security transformation, there are a few things you can do to accelerate your security transformation so you’re better prepared for tomorrow.

  • Create a single view of your network and infrastructure. This means consolidating  technologies and applications across vendors. A risk management tool can help you maintain control and visibility in one place.
  • Be prepared to continuously mitigate attacks. At one time, cyber attacks might have seemed few and far between but this is no longer the case. The sooner you prepare to face these threats on an on-going basis, the better off your organization will be.
  • Lock down Phantom ITs. Phantom ITs are insiders who routinely sign up for cloud-based services in rogue fashion. These can expose the company to great risk, including Denial-of-Service attacks. Make sure everyone at your organization understands the risks and institute policies to minimize the number of unauthorized sign-ups.
  • Look beyond your perimeter. Do employees bring their own laptops? Do you often host vendors on-site? Are there other guests to your organization who might not have strong network security, and could be presenting security risks for you? Investigate any loose ends and then formulate policies and procedures for lessening this risk.
  • Have a preventive plan. You are the victim of a cyberattack, now what? Do you have a plan on how you’ll meet the threat head on? What steps should you take? Who should you call? Make sure you know the answers to these and many more questions to ensure that you can get back up and running quickly with minimal downtime.

Digital transformation security solutions from Verizon

Most security challenges are not insurmountable. In fact, there’s a lot you can do to reduce your risk now and grow from a position of strength. The key is to have an experienced partner, like Verizon, who can help you navigate these obstacles and address attacks before they happen. But, if attacks  do happen, Verizon is a trusted partner who can help you mitigate harm during and after an incident.

Before an attack happens:

We can help you get a better view of internal risks and external threats

Cyber attacks are coming; it’s not a matter of if but when. Assessing cyber risk starts with taking a good long look at your organization, inside and out. It takes a keen and experienced eye to find the cracks. Our Verizon Risk Report can do just that, and show you the way to rectify any vulnerabilities.

We can show you how to protect critical infrastructure, assets and data across the attack surface

Today’s the day you formulate a mitigation plan and attack it head on. This is not a set it and forget it process, however. It requires day in and day out surveillance to guard against threats getting through.

Start with our Threat Intelligence Platform Service. This plug-and-play service taps into our security team’s Dark Web expertise to offer a quick, easy and affordable way to get the complete power of a threat intelligence platform.

If you want to bolster your security, we can guide you in finding the solution that best fits the needs of you and your organization. Our Network Detection and Response service delivers network visibility, threat detection and forensic analysis of suspicious activities. This service dramatically accelerates the ability of your organization to respond to and identify future attacks before they become serious events.  If you prefer a managed solution, our range of Managed Security Services offerings gives you the flexibility, expertise and operational support you need to consistently manage your IT security functions, assets and technology, all through a single Verizon interface.

During and after an attack occurs:

We can help you respond quickly to breaches to minimize impact and restore operations

If an attack or breach does happen, it’s important to meet it head on and resolve it quickly. Verizon’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Services can help you create a detailed and proactive security plan that is ready to go when you need it. Our Rapid Response Retainer acts as an extension of your security team. They will act quickly to mitigate attacks and restore operations as soon as possible. 

How Verizon can help

We are experts in cyber security. Every year, our Verizon Threat Research Advisory Center (VTRAC) security experts monitor thousands of threats around the globe and publish the findings in the annual Data Breach Investigations Report. We take these learnings and use it to help our customers always stay one step ahead of the bad guys. We can help you too. Contact us for a consultation and a security risk assessment.

See how we helped the U.S. Military expand their infrastructure without sacrificing security.