U.S. military strengthens cyber risk defense.

Private networking solution improves security, visibility
and control.


This U.S. military branch wanted to improve its operational efficiency and extend network visibility across multiple locations—all without sacrificing security.

  • Needed to quickly, reliably and securely transmit and access information virtually anytime, anywhere
  • Seamless interoperability with the global Defense Information System Network (DISN) was critical
  • Supporting Continental United States (CONUS) operations required a centralized, managed network


By working with Verizon, the military branch was able to deploy a closed, private networking solution that securely serves all of its locations.

  • We provided Private IP to military branch sites
  • The military branch now has cyber security defense and dedicated management of servers and gateways


The military branch made security, risk, productivity and operational improvements, while also creating better customer experiences.

  • 65 military sites managed
  • 29 pending sites in 2017
  • 100 future sites to be managed

How we built the solution.

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