• Why 5G matters for
    your business

  • Discover what private 5G can do for your business and the innovations it can bring.

  • Verizon 5G business report

    5G as the Enterprise Accelerator:
    Key Impacts and Industries




    Read the report
  • Experience 5G in action

  • Private 5G docks in
    Port of Southampton

    Verizon Business is deploying Private 5G at one of the UK's busiest
    ports for Associated British Ports. The secure, low-latency private
    network connection will not only improve onsite communications,
    but will also enable the use of new technologies to pave the way for
    services in the future such as real-time asset tracking, autonomous
    guided vehicles and safety monitoring.

    Read more
    • 5g clock
    • Discover the transformative power of 5G

      We’ve identified the performance attributes that will enable the next generation of networks to deliver their full potential. We call them the eight currencies of 5G – and your business can harness them all with a Verizon private network of your own.

      Explore the eight currencies of 5G

Let’s get started.

The fourth industrial revolution is here, ready to transform industry and open doors to new opportunities.
But this transformation requires an advanced kind of network—one that’s ready to help your business innovate.

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