You were made to thrive.

Welcome our newest cohort of 8 #VerizonThriveApprentices! Hear from a few of them and what excites them as they begin their journeys.

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We don't just set you up to succeed—we set you up to take off. That’s the premise behind our Thrive Apprenticeship program that gives participants the skills to advance in this digital world - getting us all closer to a more equitable and inclusive future.

The Thrive Apprenticeship program provides individuals with on-the-job training alongside classroom instruction to teach them practical and  technical skills in select tech professions. The program runs for 12 consecutive months and, thereafter, graduates may have the opportunity to move into regular, full time roles. 

In partnership with Generation and Multiverse — and in line with the human prosperity pillar of our Citizen Verizon corporate social responsibility platform— our apprenticeship program offers opportunities for individuals to thrive. 

Apprenticeship opportunities are focused on technology roles in areas such as full-stack java, web development, cloud practitioners, data analytics and software engineering. 

Upon completion of the pre-apprenticeship bootcamp, select individuals will join Verizon for a 1-year apprentice program where they will continue to evolve and hone their foundational skills. The intent is to create a path to full-time opportunities for qualified apprentices upon successful completion of the 1-year apprenticeship program. 

Since the launch of the first cohort in June 2021, to date Thrive has completed two cohorts with 54 apprentices and successfully converted 40 apprentices into full-time roles at Verizon. Our third cohort of 31 learners is currently in progress and is set to complete in June of 2023.

Before our fourth cohort begins, we’d like you to meet some of our Thrive Apprentices who are Ready to Thrive!

Left: Meron Gebrekidan; Right: Nay Ayeyar

“I was in a completely different sector and was trying to pivot into tech. Prior to doing an internship for a vertical farming start up company as a product manager, I did different bootcamps on data analysis and Agile(Scrum) methodologies.

What interests me most about the Thrive Apprenticeship program is the opportunity to learn new skills and/or update my skills set, get one on one coaching, network while working and gaining real-world experience in a Fortune 20 company .” - Meron Gebrekidan

“I previously worked as a Technical support prior to Thrive.”

“Verizon has a great reputation in not just providing the consumers with the best quality services to meet their satisfaction but also collaborating and working together with other well known tech companies I am honored to be part of the V team and very excited about  all the opportunities the Verizon Thrive program has to offer. As a new V teamer, I am very proud to represent Verizon and determined to give all my best throughout this amazing journey.” - Nay Ayeyar

Left: Jordan Williams; Right: Tina Nguyen

“After teaching myself to code in R and using SQL and Data Analytics tool I worked for a small Newark- based utility company to find new solar leads. Using “BigQuery” and Tableau, I refined their niche and helped them expand their client base two-fold. I heard about the Thrive program after researching different programs and because I've worn many hats I decided to try one more.”

“This program excites me because of the opportunity to grow alongside a cohort of eager and upstart analysts like me. - Jordan Williams

“Prior to Thrive, I was working in the cosmetic industry as an assistant manager.

What excites me the most about the Thrive program is to work in a fast paced team environment in which there are opportunities to grow and learn new skills.” - Tina Nguyen

Left: Ebtsam Negash; Right: Bryant Pham

“Before the Thrive program, I worked in hospitality.

“The hands-on training provided, experience teammates, and cross-collaborating with different people and cultures have me excited about the program..” - Ebtsam Negash

“Prior to the Thrive Apprenticeship, I worked as a business analyst for a small company and gained a lot of knowledge but there are still things I need to learn and expand on.

“I'm excited about learning new processes and insights from a large company, as well as how different analytics works for different organizations. With the company's history and outreach, I plan on staying for as long as I can.” - Bryant Pham

Left: Meher Tasnim Maimuna; Right: Farhana Hai

“I didn’t have the traditional tech knowledge prior to studying in a full stack web development bootcamp as most my career experience has been in business. Therefore, the opportunity to learn, gain experience on real-time projects and grow a career in web development is what excites me the most about this program. - Meher Tasnim Maimuna

“After graduating with my degree in Information Technology, I started my career as an analyst and transitioned to be a data science-driven software developer. I later joined the Generation USA boot camp where I was introduced to the Verizon Thrive program.”

“I am truly excited about this opportunity. I believe the Thrive program will be beneficial to my learning and growth helping me tap into new potential and setting me up for success. ” - Farhana Hai

Learn more about the Verizon Thrive apprenticeship program

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Welcome to our newest cohort of Verizon Thrive Apprentices! Learn what excites our 33 apprentices as they begin their journeys. This program offers vocational training and opportunities to thrive.
Meet four of our #VerizonThriveApprentices who share their excitement to begin their journeys on the V Team.