Data assurance

Verizon annually obtains independent limited assurance over key environmental indicators, including our scope 1, scope 2 (location- and market-based) and scope 3 GHG emissions and emissions intensity factors. For 2023, Verizon also obtained independent limited assurance over the adjusted 2019 scope 3 emissions baseline.

For information that is not specifically identified as being independently assured, Verizon relies on the application of various internal policies (including those requiring the creation and maintenance of accurate records and the establishment of internal controls over externally reported financial and non-financial information) and compliance with data quality standards and verification procedures set forth in our ESG information governance and controls frameworks to validate such information.

1 Verizon’s GHG emissions are reported in CO₂e and are substantially comprised of CO₂.

2 In 2023, Verizon made adjustments in the calculation of the 2019 scope 3 baseline to reflect the following subsequent developments: a) the acquisition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. in November 2021, b) the application of the environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) emissions factors developed by The Carbon Trust to relevant categories and c) the calculation of well-to-tank emissions to relevant categories in alignment with the 2023 calculation methodology. These updates resulted in an increase of ~12% in the scope 3 base-year emissions from 16,954,198 MT CO₂e to 18,979,748 MT CO₂e. The impact of the acquisition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. on Verizon’s base-year scope 1 and 2 emissions was determined to be de minimis and therefore the 2019 scope 1 and 2 base year values have not been updated.