Benefits help make an early arrival healthy and happy.

By: Verizon Careers

Learn all about how Verizon’s medical benefits see a V Teamer through the premature birth of his son. Even an early birth can be a healthy, happy one.

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Life is precious. That’s why at Verizon we offer benefits that go beyond to cover even the unexpected. V Teamer Eduardo V. shares how Verizon’s amazing healthcare benefits saw him through the premature birth of his son.

Everything was going as planned. And then everything changed.

Eduardo V., a Solutions Specialist in the Verizon Consumer Group, and his wife Samantha were excited about parenthood. Midway into her pregnancy, Samantha began experiencing pain. She shares, “Something just didn’t feel right, so I called my doctor.”

She was directed to the nearest hospital equipped with a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). When they arrived, she was already in early stages of labor, only 26 weeks into her pregnancy. Per Samantha, “A doctor from the NICU explained that if the baby decided to come out, he would require hospitalization until his original due date of January 25th, 2019." On October 20th, 2018, Dylan was born weighing only one pound, 14 ounces.

Benefits you can count on.

Facing an intensive three-month stay in the NICU after a premature birth would worry any parent. Thanks to Verizon’s medical coverage, Eduardo and Samantha did not have to worry about the cost of Dylan’s care. They note, “Our Verizon benefits allowed Dylan to receive the best available care during his 114-day stay in the NICU. All the medications, X-rays and doctor’s visits — nothing was held back.” Verizon’s healthcare benefits were there for Eduardo’s family every step of the way.

After Dylan's early birth, Eduardo was able to use his parental leave benefits to take time off for “baby bonding” with his newborn son. Both are eternally grateful for the benefits that covered all of the major medical bills associated with Dylan’s premature birth. 

Verizon is a great company to work for. Great benefits from day one. Thank you Verizon.

Eduardo V.

Learn more about how Verizon’s comprehensive benefits package supports employees starting from day one.

About the author:

Verizon Works is a blog that offers career insights and advice. Be part of the network of people who move the world forward.

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