It’s Graduation Day.

By: Peter Casale

29 AdFellows graduate from program's 2nd class.

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Adfellows graduation day - girl holding Adfellows sign

AdFellows was founded with the objective to increase diversity in the advertising and marketing industry— so Verizon and our agencies came together to drive actionable results.

Last night, the second class, which expanded to 29 AdFellows, graduated and the program continues to expand as they announced Anheuser-Busch and American Express will join the program starting this year.

I’ve seen first-hand the impact that Adfellows has made on Verizon, its partner agencies and the industry itself. I’ve always said from the beginning that my hope was for other companies to take the blueprint we built and make it their own. We want to be able to scale the program beyond Verizon so we can make an even bigger impact in our industry.

Diego Scott, CMO, Verizon

Watch these videos to learn more about the program and meet a couple of our AdFellows.

More on AdFellows.

  • Adfellows is an 8-month fellowship program which offers diverse recent graduates an integrated experience within Verizon and its agency partners.
  • The program not only provides hands-on learning, but most importantly, it enables fair pay and paid living expenses.This is important to note because I believe that for new graduates, especially those from under-served communities, the barriers to the marketing industry are often economic and cultural.
  • The first class of 20 AdFellows, which kicked off in 2017, achieved a 90 percent placement rate for full-time positions at Verizon and partner agencies.

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About the author:

Peter Casale is a member of the Verizon Corporate Communications team. He's the resident writer, producer and creative who likes to tell stories — just ask his parents, he's been doing it his whole life. 

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