When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Have Reliable Internet Service

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Like most small businesses, Eric and Lisa Shorr’s company relies heavily on its Internet service. But unlike most small businesses, their company absolutely, positively, no-questions-asked, has to have fast Internet service that just doesn’t go down. Ever. That’s where Verizon FiOS comes in.

Eric and Lisa own and operate a growing computer consulting business called Secure Future Tech Solutions in Warwick, RI. “Essentially we are the IT department for our clients,” said Eric, who started the businesses with Lisa 22 years ago as a company called PC Troubleshooters. “Without a fast, reliable Internet service, we don’t survive, and neither do our clients.”

The company manages and maintains networks for many small companies in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, monitoring their networks 24/7, remotely fixing their computers, cleaning viruses, backing up their data, and ensuring those clients have a secure connection to the Internet. They have developed a reputation as experts when it comes to helping small business with their computer needs.

That’s why when FiOS came to Warwick eight years ago, the Shorrs dumped their cable company and signed up for FiOS. “We needed to find a solution that provided the most uptime for our clients,” said Lisa. “Verizon is an integral part of our business.”

Eric said his company recommends FiOS to all of its customers. “It’s the best connection possible, much better than the cable companies. We feel very strongly about it. That’s always a recommendation whenever we bring on a new account.”

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