INFOGRAPHIC: True Confessions of DVR Tuner Hogs

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You sit down after a long day at work, ready to relax and watch some TV.  But an error message pops up on the screen.  All of the tuners on your DVR set-top box are being used by others to record TV shows.  Unless you want to watch what they’re recording…you may as well walk away.

If this happens regularly, it’s a tell-tale sign that you have a DVR Tuner Hog in your home.  But there’s no need to hang your head in silent shame, because you’re not alone.

We recently conducted a nationwide survey of U.S. adults who use DVRs – men and women, millennials to matures.  We asked a variety of questions to learn how they use their DVR, their likes and dislikes, and the role the DVR plays in their video entertainment experience.

More than half of respondents (54%) admitted the presence of a Tuner Hog – someone who refuses to cancel a recording when their DVR doesn't have enough tuners to accommodate everyone – under their roof.  Although 21% called-out their significant other, 7% blamed their roommate and 14% pointed fingers at their children, the majority (25%) confessed that they are the Tuner Hog in their household.


What can you do?

First, let’s get one thing straight, DVR tuner hogging isn’t a people problem.  It’s a symptom of a common affliction – an anemic DVR with too few tuners to serve everyone throughout your home. 

The answer is FiOS Quantum TV.  With the Premium DVR option, FiOS Quantum TV allows you to watch or record up to 12 live TV channels at the same time.  Some may say that this is enabling DVR tuner hogging behavior.  We say that FiOS Quantum TV is the way to indulge and enrich your DVR entertainment experience.

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