Ask a recruiter: How to find a new job and make a successful career change.

By: Verizon Careers

5 tips for changing careers before you change your life.

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There are many reasons someone might consider switching careers, from discovering new interests to refining career goals. Regardless of your reasons, our experts have helpful tips to share as part of our #AskARecruiter series. 

1. Consider new positions that align with your interests, values and skills. When looking for a new job, use your interests, values and skills as a starting point to research new roles that align with what matters most to you. A mentor can also help you get your feet off the ground while ensuring that you hold yourself accountable for your progress. 

2. Use LinkedIn to your advantage. Once you have a better idea of what kind of career interests you, reach out to professionals  in your desired industry. If you have no contacts in the industry, use LinkedIn as a networking tool. (This blog post on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile will help.) Follow the top three influencers in your field, share their content and if possible, shadow someone in the field. By observing what the job entails firsthand, you’ll get a better idea of whether or not it’s a right fit for you. 

3. Make your resume stand out from the crowd. Recruiters go through hundreds of resumes a day, so it’s important that yours stands out. Improve your resume by highlighting key skills and experiences that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Once you secure an interview, rehearse your talk track and go in with a minimum of five talking points that emphasize how you can translate your current skills into your desired role. 

4. Sharpen your skills in preparation for your new role. It’s never a bad idea to improve your skills. After all, they play a major role in getting you hired and can help you succeed in the workplace. Attending classes or seminars to enhance or learn new technical skills is a great idea in general, and it takes on an even greater importance when you’re looking to find a job or make a career change. If your place of employment offers tuition assistance, work on obtaining a degree or certification that’s useful in your field. This will help you stand out among candidates and better sell your skills as you apply to new jobs.  

5. Consider a new job in your current industry. Sometimes people consider switching career paths due to a lack of career growth and development. If you’ve been in the same position for a few years now, you may wonder why you haven’t made any advancements. If you’re not quite ready to transition into a new industry but still want to change your job, look for alternative roles in your current field.

My advice to people looking to change career paths is to just make the jump. Talk to people currently in the role, mentors and leaders, to ensure that your skills align with the position. Transferable leadership skills are more important than just system and policy knowledge.

V Teamer Matthew Becton

V Teamers who went from retail to corporate.

Changing career paths may sound intimidating, but it’s not impossible.  If you need a push in the right direction, hear from these three V Teamers who made the switch.


“The transition was incredibly smooth. I was able to move across the enterprise and into a role that I had worked so hard for. A year later, my team continues to be extremely supportive and my career goals continue to be a priority. I am proud to work at an organization where career growth is always a priority and the tools needed to succeed are readily available.” - V Teamer Vladimir Duque

Are you ready to make the change? Learn more about Verizon careers and check out our job openings today. 

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Please note that this Q&A is not intended to answer individualized questions or to provide information about a particular job opening.

About the author:

Verizon Works is a blog that offers career insights and advice. Be part of the network of people who move the world forward.

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