Enterprise Tech Spotlight: retail readiness, malware and code bill of material

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“It’s beginning to look a lot like…” While it may seems too early to start thinking about the holiday season, retailers have already made their plans and are now focused on refining processes and double-checking their strategy. Our first article this week provides tips for holiday season readiness. They are designed for retailers but they are relevant to any business preparing for a particularly busy time.

Malware attacks happen quickly. This is by design. Hackers want to hit as many victims as possible with the same piece of malware. The best way to combat this is to move just a quickly, and regularly review resources, processes and procedures. Article two provides several insights.

Writing secure applications doesn't mean just checking the code to make sure there are no errors or mistakes. It’s important to check the safety of all third-party libraries since those are increasingly becoming areas hackers look for vulnerabilities. Our third article examines the need for a bill of software materials to help identify and manage these various sources.

6 Tips for Taking Stock of Holiday Season Readiness
An IT checklist for retailers to deliver the technology-rich and tailored experiences customers have come to expect. (The Point of Sale News)

The Malware Threat Grows: So Now What?
Security industry experts from Verizon and PCI offer thoughts and insights on mitigating the risks associated with Malware attacks. (Bank Info Security)

What’s in your code? Why you need a software bill of materials
Software patching and updates are improved when IT, developed and suppliers carefully list the tools used to business applications and the third-party components included. (IT World)

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