In the age of digitalization, it is more important than ever for students to be aware of their digital well-being. The increased reliance on technology for assignments, assessments and communication makes it easy to become overwhelmed by the constant flow of information. It is important to take breaks from screens and disconnect from technology regularly. 

Here are some tips for maintaining your digital well-being that focus on social media, online dating, and more!

What is digital well-being?

Digital well-being is the term used to describe the state of your mental and emotional health concerning the use of technology. It encompasses everything from how much time you spend online to how you interact with others on social media.

With technology becoming an increasingly integral part of life, it's important to be aware of your digital well-being and take steps to ensure that you’re healthily using technology and devices.

Mental health risks

Social media can affect your mental health if you constantly compare yourself to others or feel left out and lonely.

Dating apps can also be detrimental to a person’s digital well-being. Studies have shown that these apps can impact body image and self-esteem. When people are constantly swiping left and right, judging people based on their looks, it can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

Physical health risks

Too much screen time can lead to eye strain, headaches, and neck and back pain. Eating disorders are another condition that the use of technology can exacerbate.

If you're constantly scrolling through images of thin, perfectly-posed people on Instagram, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and body dysmorphia.

Sleep health

It's well-known that a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being — but did you know that your digital life can also impact your sleep patterns?

Using screens late at night can disrupt your natural sleep cycle by limiting the production of a hormone called melatonin, which makes the body feel sleepy. The blue light emitted by screens can also trick the brain into thinking it's still daytime, making it harder to fall asleep.

Additionally, spending time on social media or surfing the web stimulates and excites the brain, making it difficult to wind down before bed.

What can you do to ensure you get a good night's sleep?

  • Limit your screen time in the hours leading up to bedtime. If you must use screens, consider using blue light filtering glasses or apps that reduce the blue light emitted by your device.
  • Create a bedtime routine that includes winding down for 30 minutes before sleep. This can involve reading, listening to calm music, or taking a bath.
  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.
  • Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool to create the ideal environment for sleep. This will help you to drift off more easily and enjoy a deep, restful night's sleep.

By following these tips, you can ensure you get the sleep you need to stay healthy and happy.

Work, school, and life balance

Your digital life can greatly impact your work, school, and life balance. To be fair, technology can also make life easier — particularly with school or your career — but there’s a very real possibility you could be overdoing it.

Healthy digital well-being can look like using digital devices and the internet for good. Instead of messaging back and forth or shopping on social media, you may look for job openings. Or, studying which career you want to get into.

Maintaining your digital well-being

There are several steps you can take to ensure you maintain a healthy digital well-being. If you follow the advice below, you’ll be well on your way!

Social Media

Knowing how you use social media and its impact on your digital well-being is important. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media:

  • Be mindful of the amount of time you're spending on social media. Try to limit yourself to a certain number of minutes or hours per day.
  • Be aware of the content you're consuming on social media. Make sure it's positive and uplifting and doesn't make you anxious or stressed.
  • Engage with social media in a way that feels good for you. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a break from it.
  • Make sure to connect with people offline as well as online. Social media should be just one part of your life, not the only part.
  • Talk to someone if you feel like social media negatively impacts your mental health. A professional can help you figure out how to best use social media healthily.

Online dating apps

It's no secret that college students are increasingly using online dating apps. A recent study showed that nearly 80% of college students use or have used a dating app at least once.

While online dating can be a great way to meet new people, it can also impact your well-being in several ways.

For one, dating apps can contribute to body image issues and low self-esteem. When you're constantly swiping through other people's photos, it's easy to start comparing yourself to them. This can lead to feeling not good enough or feeling like you must look a certain way to be worthy of love.

Another negative impact of online dating is that it can be pretty time-consuming. If you spend hours swiping and messaging with people, that's time that could be spent on other things, like studying or hanging out with friends.

Overall, online dating can be a great way to meet new people, but it's important to be aware of its potential negative impacts on your mental health. If you're feeling overwhelmed or like you're not good enough, it might be time to take a break from the apps.

Or, you can opt to use dating apps in a healthier way that reduces the risk to your digital well-being!

How to use dating apps in a healthier way

When it comes to online dating, there are a lot of things to consider. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy and happy while using dating apps.

  • Be honest with yourself. It's important to be honest with yourself when using dating apps. That way, you can avoid getting into relationships that aren't right for you. Be honest about what you're looking for, and don't settle for less.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. It's easy to compare yourself to others on dating apps. However, this can be harmful to your self-esteem and mental health. Instead, focus on being the best version of yourself.
  • Set boundaries. It's important to set boundaries when using dating apps. This includes setting limits on how much time you spend on the app and who you talk to. Be sure to respect your own boundaries and those of others.
  • Be aware of red flags. There are certain red flags to be aware of when using dating apps. These include overly pushy people who refuse to meet in person or seem to have something to hide. If you see any of these red flags, it's best to move on.
  • Take your time. Don't feel pressured to rush into anything when using dating apps. It's important to take time and get to know someone before meeting them. Once you're ready, you can decide if you want to pursue a relationship.

Following these tips will help you stay healthy and happy while using dating apps.

Online safety and digital citizenship

With the rise of the internet and digital technologies, scams and other malicious online activity have also increased. College students are especially vulnerable to these kinds of attacks, as they may not be aware of the dangers that exist online.

There are many different types of scams that target college students, and you will continually need to protect your personal information. One common example is phishing, where scammers impersonate a legitimate organization to trick people into giving them personal information. This information can then be used to steal the person's identity or money.

Another type of scam targeting college students is "free trial" offers. These offers often require the student to enter their credit card information, and then they are billed for products or services they did not receive. This can cause financial hardship for the student and damage their credit score.

There are many other types of scams that exist, and new ones are created all the time. It is important for college students to be aware of online dangers and to take steps to protect themselves from these scams.

There are a few things that college students can do to protect themselves from online scams:

  • Never give out personal information, such as your Social Security number or credit card information, to anyone online.
  • If you are unsure whether an offer is legitimate, research before you provide any information or make a purchase.
  • Be cautious of any emails or other messages that seem to be from a legitimate company but contain grammatical errors or other red flags. If possible, check their company overview and mission statement (without clicking on a link in the email, of course).
  • Never click on links in emails or messages from people you don't know, as these could lead to malicious websites.

From social media to online classes and everything in between, the internet has become integral to the college experience. College students live a large portion of their lives online out of necessity.

With this increased reliance on technology comes an increased need for good digital citizenship.

Good digital citizenship means being aware of how your actions online can affect your reputation and the reputation of others. It also means being cautious about what you share online and with whom you share it.

In the age of social media, it's easy to forget that anyone and everyone can see the things you post. That's why it's so important to think before you post and consider your actions' potential consequences.


Another aspect of good digital citizenship is refraining from engaging in activities that could harm yourself or others, such as cyberbullying or sharing personal information without permission.                                                                                                                  

It also means respecting others' privacy and avoiding online scams and phishing attempts.

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that happens online. It can include things like sending mean messages or posting hurtful comments about someone on social media. College students may be more susceptible to cyberbullying because they often use social media and other online platforms to communicate with each other.

Cyberbullying can be very harmful and even dangerous. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. If you are being cyberbullied, it is important to tell a parent or trusted professional, so they can help you.


Doxing is when someone collects and shares someone else’s personal information online without their permission. This can include their home address, phone number, email address, and social media profiles. Doxing can be used to threaten or harass someone.


Stalking is when someone repeatedly follows or contacts another person in a way that makes them feel scared or threatened.

This can include following someone online or in person, sending them unwanted messages, or calling them constantly. Stalking can be very dangerous and is a crime in many states.


Swatting is when someone makes a false report to the police about another person to get them in trouble.

This can include things like falsely reporting that someone has a bomb or that there is an active shooter at their address. Swatting can be very dangerous and is a crime in many states.

Practicing good digital citizenship

In today's digital world, it's important to be a good digital citizen. That means maintaining your privacy, personal information, and personal content. It also means understanding and managing your digital footprint with professionalism.

Good digital citizenship will benefit you in many ways. For one, it will help you maintain your privacy and keep your personal information safe. 

It will also help you manage your digital footprint to be professional and positive. 

Finally, good digital citizenship will help you build a strong online reputation. 

To be a good digital citizen, you can: 

  • Protect your privacy by being careful about what you share online.
  • Manage your digital footprint by regularly monitoring what is being said about you
  • Build a strong online reputation by creating positive content and engaging in positive online activity.

By following these simple tips, you can be a good digital citizen and reap the many benefits that come with it.

Apps that promote digital well-being

There are many apps available that can help you with your digital well-being and mental health. Some apps can help you manage your time online, stay focused, and reduce distractions. Others can help you limit your screen time, set healthy limits for yourself, and track your progress.

Here are some popular apps that can help with digital well-being!

iOS screen time

Apple's iOS Screen Time app is a handy tool that can help you manage your device usage and limit the amount of time you spend on your iPhone or iPad.

After you've set up Screen Time, you can see how much time you're spending on your device and which apps are taking up the most of your time.

You can also set limits for yourself, such as only being able to use certain apps for a certain amount of time each day.

In addition, Screen Time can help you keep track of your device usage over time so you can see how it's changing. If you find that you're spending too much time on your device, Screen Time can be a helpful tool.


The Digitox app tracks screen time and usage patterns. The app provides valuable insights into how you interact with your devices. It also suggests ways to strike a healthier balance between digital and offline activities.


Freedom is an app that allows you to block distracting websites and apps so you can focus on what's important. Whether you're trying to get work done, spend more time with your family, or just take a break from the internet, Freedom can help.

Freedom offers a variety of features to customize your experience, including the ability to set schedules, create lists of blocked sites and apps, and even block the internet altogether. Additionally, Freedom works across all your devices, so you can stay focused no matter where you are.

Sleep Cycle – smart alarm clock

The Sleep Cycle app is designed to help you get the most out of your slumber by tracking your sleep patterns and providing personalized insights. The app uses your phone's accelerometer or a smartwatch to monitor you during the night, and it uses this data to determine when you're in a deep sleep. 

It then wakes you up during a light sleep phase, so you can start your day feeling refreshed and energized. The Sleep Cycle app also provides tips on improving your sleep habits.