Verizon statement regarding Samsung Galaxy Note7

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Updated on 12/16/16

Comments in this article can be attributed to Jeffrey Nelson, Vice President, Global Corporate Communications, Verizon

In October, Samsung announced a voluntary recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note7 when it was discovered that all available devices could overheat and pose a safety risk to customers. Since that time, a vast majority of Verizon customers who purchased the Note7 have replaced their phones with other models.

Samsung will be releasing a Note7 software update on December 19. This update prevents the device from charging and eliminates the ability for it to work as a mobile device.

Verizon will not be pushing this software update to your device until January 5, 2017. We want to make sure you can contact family, first responders, and emergency medical professionals during the holiday travel season.

Verizon and Samsung have communicated the need for customers with a Note7 to immediately stop using their devices and return or exchange it where they purchased it. Verizon customers with the Note7 have several options, including an additional $100 from Samsung when purchasing one of their other devices.


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